“Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” – André Gide Our president just imposed a 25% tariff on imported goods from Mexico and Canada plus an additional 10% on China and unleashed a harmful and useless trade war. Tariffs are a […]
This is the second analysis of policies proposed by our presidential candidates. No. 1 was about trade. This one is about taxes. Both candidates like to spend but have different ideas about how to raise revenues. Kamala Harris wants more revenue from taxation. Donald Trump favors less taxes but believes lower taxes would lift the […]
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I, who get my tirades published every other week, have five articles to write before the November 2 election, starting now. These articles will give context to the issues that you will hear from our presidential candidates. Readers who have suffered through my policy critiques understand that I try to explain what works and what […]
In my last two articles I reviewed the policies of candidates Harris and Trump. Here’s my take on the two. Just so you know, the standards through which I analyze politics and policy are things that have worked best over the years to make us the most prosperous country in the world: individual liberty, freedom […]
My last article (“It’s Kamala!”) was about Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president. This one is about Donald Trump as nominee for the Republicans. I’ve written a lot about Trump over the years, most of it critical of him and his policies. Like my article on Kamala, I try to rely on facts, […]
In my last article two weeks ago (“The Thing You Can’t Unsee”) I said that Biden would go and he did. Biden immediately endorsed Kamala Harris. Most Democratic leaders and potential rivals quickly capitulated to Ms. Harris. She’s the Democratic presidential candidate. I also said that based on polls, middle-roaders, about 70% of the electorate, […]
It would be remiss of me to ignore our current political turmoil. One thing is obvious: You can’t unsee what happened to Biden in the first presidential debate. No matter what he does from that moment on, that performance will be forefront in the minds of voters. Another obvious thing: Trump isn’t going away. Republicans […]
Argentina is what happens to a country when the people running it have no idea what they are doing. They think they know what they are doing and are undeterred when things don’t turn out so well. Socialist countries suffer this fate. Ditto most government-run economies. I call this process “Argentinization.” I mention Argentina because […]
Bobbi McGinnis is the current Chair of the Santa Barbara County GOP committee, a position she has had since 2019, after being its secretary and committee member since 2013. She is a first-generation U.S. born citizen. Her parents moved to the U.S. from England in 1949, choosing Santa Barbara as their new home, with her […]
Public trust in government is at a 50-year low. According to an ambitious Harvard Business School study, the problem in our contentious duopoly is the lack of competition and resulting lack of accountability. Santa Barbara is the poster child for what this study raged against — a system that no longer focuses on the public […]
Bravery takes on many forms, some literal and some a bit more theoretical. But nuance aside, there is bravery in challenging the status quo, the “machine.” And believe you me, our local Democratic Central Committee (DCC) is a machine. Allow me to explain: Local party endorsements spring from the DCC, yet, because Santa Barbara is […]
The showdown for Santa Barbara City Council’s District 4 seat has been an unexpected, no-holds-barred battle between challenger Barrett Reed and incumbent Kristen Sneddon, who, in the face of Reed’s intense criticism, has chosen to focus on her own strong record as a councilmember, and turning up the heat on her current councilmates. Sneddon, a […]
There are several bills pending in the California legislature, including Senate Bill 556 and Assembly Bill 537, that will severely limit our right to determine where new wireless antennas for 5G service will be placed in Santa Barbara County. Corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and Verizon wrote these wireless broadband bills. ALEC rewrites state […]
“Go West, young man, and grow up with the country,” a newspaper editor proclaimed as the United States expanded westward in the 19th century. That advice could be amended now to “South and West,” according to the latest findings of the U.S. Census Bureau, which in April issued its pandemic-delayed count of the nation’s population […]