As Bob Hazard gazes into his crystal ball (“A Fascinating Future,” Guest Editorial, MJ #24/45), the picture emerges in print. It is a complex vision of the future. It, unfortunately, and realistically harbors a great deal of human wastage. People raised here and with no experience in the Third World may fail to see the […]
Two years ago, the voters in Montecito and Summerland elected us, Tobe Plough and Floyd Wicks, to serve four-year terms as directors of the Montecito Water District (MWD). Based upon our recent service on the MWD Board, we fully endorse the election of the following five members of the Water Security Team: For Montecito Water […]
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Earth’s oceans breathe in carbon dioxide when it gets colder and exhale carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when it gets warmer. This happens because cold water absorbs more CO2 than hot water, and that is why Coca-Cola quickly loses its fizz when it gets warm. Al Gore yelled “global warming fire” on a crowded planet […]
We enjoy the presumption of innocence in this country. It is by far the fairest way to handle a crime. Due process is the sign of a civilized people. My fear is we might be on the verge of losing it. Ms (Christine Blasey) Ford’s allegations have put Judge Kavanaugh in a position that he […]
What is Steve King getting at (“Paying Your Way,” MJ #24/38)? No human pulls himself up by her own bootstraps. We start out as helpless infants. We die unless an older human feeds, shelters, and cleans us. To become a productive adult, one needs a certain degree of intelligence, creativity, physical and mental health, and […]
I would like to thank Dr. Edo McGowan for clarifying his position on recycled water with the residents of Montecito (“Water Warnings,” MJ #24/37). As quoted last year, he supports recycled water “as long as it’s done properly” (“It’s Where the Future Lies…” by Melinda Burns, Edhat and Independent, June 8, 2017). His words of […]
I was pleased that President Trump stands four-square behind public disclosure on opinion pages and has come out so strongly against the use of “Anonymous” as cover for accountability. I would hope that the Journal would adhere to our president’s common sense and stop allowing letter writers to be “Anonymous” when stating their opinions in […]
My first job after college was in the Arizona House of Representatives as the House reader: the guy who sits just below the Speaker of the House on the floor and reads the bills, tabulates the votes using a computer, runs the microphones, that kind of stuff. It was a front-row seat in the debate […]
This has gone on too long. Every day, the pot holes and trenches get worse at the bottom off Olive Mill Road and Coast Village Road right in front of the construction of the new building on the corner. This intersection is a joke and needs to be repaired now. My husband and I drive […]
In his recent letter (“Recycled Water Warning,” MJ #24/28), Dr. Edo McGowan raises important issues associated with water quality. But these issues should not be a “stop sign” for water recycling. Instead, the issues need to be addressed as part of planning for water recycling and other new sources of water for our community. As […]
At a recent California State Senate hearing on how to help those adversely impacted by post-disaster emergencies and in need of temporary housing, representative Monique Limon called AB1919 to the attention of the Montecito audience. The #1 listed pending bill on the handout was this: “This bill prohibits price gouging of rental housing that was […]
I think that there is a need to discuss some examples of where, within government, there may be serious potential problems caused by disjunctive incremental functions. The current trend of moving rapidly toward augmenting aquifers with recycled water may be fraught with public health issues, as stated by the state’s expert scientific panel. The move […]
When I was a little girl, my favorite book was A Fish Out of Water. Based on a short story by Dr. Seuss, it’s about a little boy who buys a goldfish and is warned by the pet store owner only to feed the fish a little bit. The boy didn’t listen and he fed […]
I wanted to write a quick note thanking some people for acts of kindness and generosity in the aftermath of the debris flow. In the first instance, I parked my backhoe 100 feet from Montecito Creek at the end of Pepper Lane tucked in next to the neighbor’s hedge line. In the morning [the one […]