Power of Your Om, located upstairs at 1221 State Street down the hall from SOhO, is still maintaining its full schedule as of Monday night. The only adjustment is in reducing the capacity from 49 to 20, and also offering live streaming of some of the classes for home practice as well. Sunday’s upcoming Yoga […]
“Sheng Zhen means unconditional love in Chinese, and its purpose is to produce that within ourselves,” said Bryce Lupoli. “What that means practically is that Sheng Zhen helps us live with a quiet mind, a relaxed and healthy body, and an open heart.” Lupoli is one of only a few local teachers of the practice […]
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Santa Barbara Bodhi Path Center resident teacher Dawa Tarchin Phillips will be leading a two-part class over successive Thursdays this month, as “Awakening Bodhicitta – How to Open Your Heart and Develop Love and Compassion” takes place 7-9 pm on March 12 and 19. The course addresses how we may be familiar with the benefits […]
Santa Barbara-based author and healer Elizabeth Morse wrote the alternative health book that’s also part self-help and part spiritual guide called Your Best Health by Friday: How to Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Trauma, PTSD, and Chronic Illness. The book explains the commonalities of all illnesses and provides action steps for people to heal, based on […]
Workshops at Yoga Soup this week include a Breath & Musical Journey with Luna & Gabe from 7-9 pm on Friday, March 13. Breathwork facilitator Blake Spencer will guide participants in tuning into their breath while simultaneously listening to local artist Gabriel Kelly sing his original songs and play guitar with Luna Kelly accompanying on […]
There are a lot of opportunities for locals to compose, create, perform, and or just partake in storytelling, as evidenced by the ongoing Personal Stories series – the showcases that feature local actors and writers developing first-person true stories that fit a theme to share at Center Stage Theater in the periodic events that outlived […]
Nothing has the ability to transport us to another time and place quite like the resonance of pure sound. From Aboriginal tribes who used the didgeridoo as a sound healing instrument to ancient Tibetan singing bowl ceremonies, for centuries people have used sacred vibrational sounds to quiet the mind and heal the body. Today the use of […]
The Montecito Vedanta Temple was not asked or notified about a planned event scheduled for last weekend by the Santa Barbara-Buddhist-Meditation Meetup, which was canceled before taking place. We were asked to run a clarifying statement about the temple’s policies to avoid any future issues. The Vedanta Temple welcomes people from all religions and denominations […]
Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care of Santa Barbara’s 7th Annual PHorum features the return of Dr. Chris Kerr, neurobiologist and CEO & Chief Medical Officer for the Center for Hospice and Palliative Care in Buffalo, New York, whose new book, Death is But a Dream, celebrates our power to reclaim dying as a deeply meaningful […]
Santa Barbara meditation leader Radhule Weininger sent out a missive to her mailing list over last weekend, and also asked if I could find some space in my column for her thoughts on anxiety over the growing cases of the Coronavirus as well as the coming election. Here’s an edited version: “I am listening to […]
Santa Barbara Buddhist Meditation, which holds regular meditation and other gatherings at the American Buddhist Temple in Goleta as well as various Montecito locations and elsewhere, has a special offering for this Saturday night. Its Once-in-a-Leap-Year Forest Retreat is a three-hour excursion at La Cumbre Peak designed to briefly isolate participants from the “busyness,” noise […]
Shining Lion (aka Shane Rilling) and the Ojai-based World Peace Tribe guide a sacred ceremony to cultivate more love within this weekend at a private estate in Montecito. The event – in which the sacraments include Sacred Honey Bee, Mycelium, Cacao, Hape, Essential Oils, and more – is intended to cultivate community and create an […]
Sherman, who has facilitated twenty-three yoga-meditation retreats in Montecito before La Casa de Maria fell victim to the 2018 mudslide, will also lead a “MAPs I for Daily Living,” her first offering of the introductory course from acclaimed, scientifically-based UCLA program here in town since last summer. The MAPs I course provides insight into the […]
Barbara Rose Sherman is a Yoga Alliance Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 500 who is also a Trained Mindfulness Facilitator through the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior and a UCLA Mindful Awareness Practices Affiliated Teacher. Now she’s bringing her experience in drawing from the two spiritual practices to a teacher training weekend available […]