Instead of a ballroom like usual, VNA Health held their annual health and safety PHorum at the West Wind Drive-in Theatre watching a movie. It was a special documentary produced by Emmy Award winning actress Jane Seymour about guitarist Glen Campbell and his battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Executive Director Lynda Tanner says, “It is important […]
Founded in 1899, the Family Service Agency (FSA) has been a continual source of support in the community for over a century. Over the years they have helped individuals and families with counseling, mental health programs, and more concrete support of basic needs like access to transportation and schools. Of course the pandemic has brought […]
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Retail shops were some of the first businesses to close when the pandemic hit. Yet they’ve slowly opened up inch by inch as regulations allowed, finding new ways to connect with customers. The silver lining to the world’s current state is a forced creativity it has spurred in us all. For business owners, the pandemic […]
Our quality of life is directly linked to our health. Physical injuries like a bad knee or hip can get in the way of the life we want to live. From grandparents playing with their grandchildren to athletes mastering their craft, anyone who experiences problems in their spine or knee knows how restricting these injuries […]
This year marks my fiftieth anniversary as a body therapist and healer. What I eventually came to know as “body wisdom” was the result of working with the wonderful, intelligent people of Santa Barbara and Montecito. For their trust and continued support, I am eternally grateful. From the beginning, it was apparent that in order […]
For centuries, pilgrims have walked the Camino de Santiago in northwestern Spain looking for absolution, healing, and spiritual inspiration. In recent years, seeking a reprieve from the complexities of ordinary life, people of all faiths have been trekking this ancient route, staying in dormitory-style hostels and collecting stamps in a pilgrim’s passport. Similar to Joseph […]
You know that high stress levels aren’t healthy. You can feel it. Instead of being relaxed and steady, you’re uptight and agitated. It’s hard to focus; it’s hard to sleep. Just Googling “stress” turns out to be, well, stressful. Unfortunately, news sources tell us that things aren’t going to let up anytime soon. So, what […]
An award-winning, published landscape designer, with over two decades of experience, Alida is well known for designing new gardens, as well as restoring landmark gardens throughout Montecito and Santa Barbara. In the spring of 2021, Alida will be teaching a class in The Principals of Landscape Design through Santa Barbara City College. Between masks, fires, […]
The unrelenting disruption and uncertainty of our lives have rattled our emotional equilibrium. Patience has worn thin. The kids are getting scrappy and the parents are getting snappy. Small fractures in personal relationships are showing up and the large rift in our social contract has taken to the streets. This mandatory timeout has put us […]
A new skincare boutique has opened on Coast Village Road, featuring a skin analysis system that is new to the industry. Seda Custom Skincare, located at 1125 Coast Village Road, develops personalized skincare products for women, men, and children. Customers learn which personalized skin care products are best suited to their individual profile through an […]
When a young, skilled dermatological surgeon asks if you mind “talking shop” with his assistant while he takes out a squamous-cell skin cancer from your forehead, you answer, “No, I don’t mind.” Especially if you’re a writer and the doctor took out a melanoma on your forearm just nine months before. When that doctor, answers […]
Homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness have long been identified and discussed as issues affecting the local community, along with the stigmas that still surround them. While an individual can be affected by one of these issues, often times a combination, or even all of these factors, contribute to an individual’s condition. Sanctuary Centers seeks […]
Believe it or not, I’m afraid of needles. In fact, I used to faint every time I had blood taken. Yet despite my fear I’ve turned to acupuncture for decades to help with many common problems, including anxiety, stress, to boost my immune system, and yes, even for “facial rejuvenation.” Acupuncture has been my go-to […]
The recent CARES act allowed for a special mid-year adjustment to benefits elections to allow employees to adjust how much they spend on medical insurance and fund their medical cost savings plans. Given that studies estimate that couples over age 65 could spend over $350,000 on medical costs – including Medicare – during retirement, funding […]