Tag archives: Thanksgiving

Warning: Follow the Rules, Please!
By Leslie Westbrook   |   December 3, 2020

Even movie stars and the rich and famous need to play by the rules, so it should seem simple for the rest of us mere mortals. At a Summerland Architectural Board of Review meeting a few years back, the board approved a 26,000-square-foot house (by virtue of a variance on the 25-acre beachfront property) for […]

Local Eateries Offer Dine-In, To-Go Thanksgiving Meals
By Claudia Schou   |   November 19, 2020

Some of Santa Barbara’s best flavors are savored during the holiday season: citrus, persimmons, sage, fennel, spicy pecans, Mexican chocolate, honey, fresh and dried chili peppers and, of course, seafood.  Chefs are relying on the state’s bounty as a springboard for Thanksgiving, the year’s most important dinner in these parts, when coastal ranch, Mediterranean and […]

A New Lease on Life
By Richard Mineards   |   November 19, 2020

Carpinteria twosome Ashton Kutcher, 42, and wife Mila Kunis, 37, have listed their 7,351-square-foot Beverly Hills home on half an acre for rent. The property in Hidden Valley in the mountains above Coldwater Canyon is a guard-gated community with neighbors including singers Adele and Katy Perry, and actresses Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Lawrence. The estate, […]

Gobble It Up
By Steven Libowitz   |   September 24, 2020

PCPA previews America’s annual fall feast two month’s early with Larissa FastHorse’s The Thanksgiving Play, the second in its new series of staged reading previews of relatively new works of current interest. The “bitingly funny satire” find good intentions colliding with absurd assumptions as a troupe of supposedly racially awakened white teaching artists are tasked […]

Turkey Day Feast
By Richard Mineards   |   December 5, 2019

The Rescue Mission, which has just undergone a $10 million renovation, was unusually oversubscribed when more than 300 guests turned up for the Thanksgiving Feast. The non-profit’s intrepid new chef Freddie Rashad acquitted himself admirably cooking 90 turkeys, 120 pounds of potatoes, 75 pounds of carrots, and 120 pounds of green beans, for the occasion […]

Santa Barbara Rescue Mission
By Zach Rosen   |   December 3, 2019

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, this time of year is when giving is on the mind. The winter season brings with it thoughts of donated gifts or providing hot meals to those in need or without a home. Since 1965 the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission has been giving to the homeless of the area, acting as […]

Liquid Leftovers: 10 Tips For Preserving Your Thanksgiving Wine
By Gabe Saglie   |   November 26, 2019

If you do Thanksgiving right, it’s not just edible leftovers you’ll be enjoying the next day. The cavalcade of flavors on your table means you’ll be popping a lot of corks, too – a wide range of wines to match a wide range of foods. And while Tupperware and aluminum foil works well when it […]

Moved to Write
By Steven Libowitz   |   November 26, 2019

Elizabeth Schwyzer developed Write from the Body – a creative writing workshop that explores the intersections between language and physical experience – back when the Santa Barbaran was practicing dance and serving as an arts writer at the Independent before moving, marrying, and starting to raise children. Now Schwyzer – who holds degrees in art […]

Dear Community,
By Gwyn Lurie   |   November 26, 2019

This year I give thanks for so many things – for my family and my friends, and for the glorious revegetation that surrounds us – heroically guarded by our world-class First Responders. And I am thinking much about our community. I am thankful for the warm reception so many of you have given me, and […]

By Richard Mineards   |   November 29, 2018

The Rescue Mission, which is currently undergoing a $10 million renovation, had a lot to be thankful for when city officials issued it a permit of occupancy for its annual Thanksgiving feast in the 50-year-old institution’s refurbished chapel just five days before the event. “It was cutting it fine, but our normal dining room and […]

Poor Old Charlie
By Montecito Journal   |   November 29, 2018

For some reason the memory of silent-film star Charlie Chaplin is exploited with the fantastical myth that he “built” the Montecito Inn. Totally untrue. In David Myrick’s definitive history (“Santa Barbara & Montecito,” Volumes I and II), he explains the origin of the Montecito Inn in some detail. “Don B. Sebastian and William S. Seamans,” […]

Pilgrim’s Progress
By Bob Hazard   |   November 29, 2018

Nearly 400 years ago on August 5, 1620, two wooden sailing ships, the Mayflower and the Speedwell, set off from England headed for the New World. Unfortunately, the Speedwell leaked at 300 miles out, forcing both ships to turn back to England. The Speedwell’s passengers were rapidly transferred to the already overcrowded Mayflower, which finally […]

Gratitude: Not Just for Thanksgiving
By Steven Libowitz   |   November 22, 2018

It might be obvious to state that Thanksgiving week could be the perfect time to launch a gratitude practice. The holiday stress can be greatly reduced by remembering all that we are grateful for in our lives. But research and plenty of anocdotal evidence has indicated that a daily practice of not only taking note […]

Thanksgiving at YMCA
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   November 22, 2018

The preschoolers at Montecito Family YMCA spent last week learning about the traditions of Thanksgiving, concluding with a Thanksgiving Feast made by the preschool staff in the Y kitchen.  “The Thanksgiving Feast was a chance to bring the entire school and their families together, while teaching students the history and significance of the holiday,” says teacher Annie […]

Downward Dog, Meet Upright Goat
By Steven Libowitz   |   November 15, 2018

Goat yoga, the phenomenon of practicing poses amid wandering full-grown goats and kids that began barely two years ago in Oregon, has made its way down the coast to our little slice of Eden-By-The-Sea. Goat yoga actually showed up in Isla Vista last December, and apparently the latest trend is here to, pardon me, namaste, […]

Taxing Situation
By Montecito Journal   |   December 14, 2017

I would like to recommend to Bob Hazard, who wrote the recent Guest Editorial (“California Screaming,” MJ #23/48), that the Los Angeles Times of Tuesday, December 5, published a brief letter from a Godfrey Harris under the subject of “Why we pay taxes”. From Mr. Harris’s point of you, which I agree with, Americans are […]

Food for Thought
By Richard Mineards   |   November 30, 2017

Wesley Jones, head of the kitchen at the Rescue Mission, celebrated his first anniversary in the job cooking the annual Thanksgiving Feast for 300 guests, including 960 pounds of turkey, 100 pounds of potatoes, and 80 pounds of stuffing. “It was nerve-wracking when I did it for the first time last year, but I’m now […]

Classes with a Side of Turkey
By Steven Libowitz   |   November 23, 2017

What better way to start off the Thanksgiving weekend than by centering and grounding yourself before the relatives arrive? Two local yoga centers are offering free classes on Thanksgiving morning, though one of them comes with a give-back catch. YASA Yoga & Wellness Center, 22 W. Mission St., begins the day with a half-hour Thanksgiving […]

Lunch at Mollie’s
By James Buckley   |   November 16, 2017

If you are a regular reader of Montecito Journal, it won’t come as a surprise to learn that Trattoria Mollie is just about my favorite restaurant. And, there are at least three solid reasons for such devotion: 1) Mollie’s lasagna, featuring her hand-made pasta and a delicate cream-based tomato sauce reigns supreme; 2) Spaghetti with […]