Tag archives: social activism
There is a collective myth of how America started out as a haven for religious freedom. While there’s some truth to that, in fact, America started as a business. The first settlers in Jamestown were commercially organized as The Virginia Company, and granted a charter in 1604 to exploit New World resources for the British […]
Social activist Judi Weisbart, founder and president of Busy Woman Consulting, is now Santa Barbara’s Queen of Masks. The county has hired Judi as Face Covering Community Coordinator, she tells me. “The community desperately needs face coverings on every face,” she says. “There are other funds for healthcare workers PPE, but we must also help […]
Tarana Burke, social justice activist and senior director of the Brooklyn-based Girls for Gender Equity, presented at the UCSB Arts & Lectures on November 5 about the “Me Too” (#metoo) movement. She spoke in a straightforward fashion for an hour, and outlined how and why the organization called “Me Too” started, where they are now […]