Tag archives: recycled water
In his recent letter (“Recycled Water Warning,” MJ #24/28), Dr. Edo McGowan raises important issues associated with water quality. But these issues should not be a “stop sign” for water recycling. Instead, the issues need to be addressed as part of planning for water recycling and other new sources of water for our community. As […]
I think that there is a need to discuss some examples of where, within government, there may be serious potential problems caused by disjunctive incremental functions. The current trend of moving rapidly toward augmenting aquifers with recycled water may be fraught with public health issues, as stated by the state’s expert scientific panel. The move […]
This town could use a little good news. It has been a little more than a year since we elected two new members to the Montecito Water District Board of Directors. Are we any closer to the goal of water security? Montecito Water District (MWD), its board, its management, and its employees have all been […]