Tag archives: Parker Matthews
Dear James During one interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump opined that avoiding STDs was his own personal Vietnam. At that time Donald Trump claimed he dated (you do not need a definition of “dating” here) a lot of beautiful women. Remember what he said about Carly Fiorina, Megyn Kelly, or his comment about Miss […]
Listen, listen, listen. Learn, Learn, Learn. During these past few tumultuous months, that has been my mantra. As a privileged white woman, I feel it is best to stay quiet and listen deeply. I have much to learn from the BLM and BIPOC movements. And yet there are times when darkness surfaces and it feels […]
Two months deep into quarantine, it quickly became clear how seriously my social skills had atrophied when I picked up the phone to call the home of Brett Matthews and Ginger Salazar. I had the intention of asking whichever parent picked up the phone if their son, the MUS, Marymount, and Cate alum Parker Matthews, […]