Tag archives: NCL
Hundreds of friends and families gathered to witness a spectacle of camaraderie and Hollywood-themed gowns this spring, honoring the graduating seniors who celebrated their annual Senior Recognition Event for the Santa Barbara National Charity League (NCL). Over the past six years, the girls dedicated themselves to fostering the mother-daughter relationship through NCL’s ongoing commitment to […]
On April 10, the Santa Barbara National Charity League (NCL) will host its Senior Recognition Event at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The past two years have seen the event held in a modified form, but the celebration is back in-person and ready for “Springtime in Paris.” The 25 graduating seniors along with their […]
Each year the National Charity League (NCL) holds a senior recognition event at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. This year nearly 500 friends and relatives of the 18 graduating girls (Ticktockers) gathered to honor their six years of volunteering. The NCL mission is to foster mother-daughter relationships in a philanthropic organization committed to community […]
On October 28, nearly 100 teenagers from the Santa Barbara Chapter of the National Charity League (NCL), partnered up with the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County to kick off the Foodbank’s annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive. The teens, also known as “Ticktockers,” helped organize a donation to the Foodbank of 750 pounds of food for the […]