Tag archives: letters to the editor

Am I My Country’s Keeper?
By Montecito Journal   |   November 15, 2022

Bible teaching on citizenship begins with five words that historians will write on the head stone of the United States when it dies. Cain asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The downfall of decency and democracy in our time is the failure of institutions and ordinary people to answer that question in the affirmative. Let’s […]

Depend on Gullap-Moore for SBCC Board Trustee
By Montecito Journal   |   November 8, 2022

I am proud to support and endorse Dr. Charlotte Gullap-Moore for Santa Barbara City College Board Trustee TA#1. I have known Charlotte for more than four years, and in that time, I have found her to be an earnest community advocate, an honest person, and always stands up for the disenfranchised in the community. We could […]

Appealing Santa Claus Cannabis
By Montecito Journal   |   November 1, 2022

I will not be able to attend the Santa Claus cannabis retail store appeal hearing on November 1, 2022, however I would like to convey my opposition to its approval and impending existence in this message.  Three things you should know about me before I address my reasons for concern: My family has lived, worked, […]

Why We Support the United Nations
By Montecito Journal   |   October 25, 2022

As members of the Santa Barbara and Tri-Counties Chapter of the United Nations Association-USA, we are frequently asked if the U.N. is still relevant and capable of carrying out its mission, and what does our organization do? Since United Nations Day is being celebrated on October 24th throughout the U.S. and the world, it is […]

The Ins and Outs of Special Districts
By Montecito Journal   |   October 4, 2022

In Mark Hunt’s article “Ins and Outs: Montecito and Her Many Special Neighborhoods” (Real Estate Issue, August 4, 2022), he correctly states not all homes in 93108 are within Montecito, or either of its two school or special districts.  Many Eucalyptus Hill homes are in the City of Santa Barbara. Eucalyptus Hill Improvement Association (EHIA) […]

Rebuilding Healthy Soil
By Montecito Journal   |   September 27, 2022

I’m writing to you as a COO of Kiss The Ground, and a supporter of Regenerate America, an unprecedented coalition of farmers, ranchers, nonprofits, experts, companies, and citizens spanning the nation and the political spectrum who are committed to rebuilding America’s soil by making regenerative agriculture the centerpiece of the next Farm Bill.  Healthy soil […]

Faithful Differences
By Montecito Journal   |   September 20, 2022

Mr. Bernstein asks a Christian minister who’d given the eulogy at his friend’s funeral if he’d ever read the Old Testament’s Ecclesiastes 9. He had not. Then Bernstein cites The New Testament’s John 16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son…” and interprets that to mean “it doesn’t even matter […]

Bravo, Brutoco
By Montecito Journal   |   August 30, 2022

Bravo (yet again) to Rinaldo Brutoco’s August 11 column. He always comes up with the best adjectives when clashing up against “Big Power” greed: “Preposterous shibboleth” … Makes me laugh every time I look at it! In throwing big shade last week at the PG&E & Edison monopolies, he calls back to his group’s white […]

Change is Coming to CVR
By Montecito Journal   |   August 16, 2022

To the Santa Barbara City Council: Change is coming to Coast Village Road (CVR). Good changes that will enhance and beautify CVR to the standards for which Montecito is known worldwide. Coast Village Road is the commercial lifeblood of Montecito. This remnant of old Highway 1 has changed over the years from the sleepy 1950s […]

Review of Montecito by Michael Cox
By Montecito Journal   |   August 9, 2022

Montecito – home to such luminaries as Oprah and Stedman, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, and, of course, Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex. The glitterati of the world. Every inhabitant a multi-zillionaire. Well… maybe… but not if your name is Hollis Crawford and you’ve just been fired from your third […]

Concern from the Neighbors
By Montecito Journal   |   August 2, 2022

In the July 14 issue of the Montecito Journal, Joe Armendariz’s letter to the editor titled “Radical Status,” contained multiple inaccurate assertions related to the application for the Radis/Roots Cannabis retail store proposed location on Santa Claus Lane, as well as misinformation concerning existing businesses there. Mr. Armendariz fails to mention that he is a […]

Trash Pickup
By Montecito Journal   |   July 26, 2022

Is the County going to let Channel Drive go to Hades now that the Biltmore is down long term? Matt McLaughlin  A Laughing Bear Carlos, The Bear, was doubled over, stomping his paws, with tears rolling down his snout as he roared with laughter. A sneak peek at a yet unpublished tome in the Montecito […]

Radical Status
By Montecito Journal   |   July 19, 2022

This past 4th of July, America celebrated her 246th birthday. Almost two and a half centuries ago, a press release announcing a radical experiment in self-government signed by 56 radicals created a new nation. These political upstarts alerted the old nation of their radical intentions with what to this day remains arguably the most radical […]

Looking for Reliable 911 Service
By Montecito Journal   |   July 12, 2022

We live on Channel Drive in Montecito and along with the neighbors we have sent several emails regarding the lack of Sheriff’s presence since COVID and the increase of illegal activities. Last night was 4th of July and sadly Channel Drive had far fewer families enjoying the fireworks and many more people drinking, flying drones […]

Politics and Morality Supreme Court Style
By Montecito Journal   |   July 5, 2022

One of the most disturbing aspects of the Dobbs opinion by the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices is the certainty that further assaults on our basic freedoms are coming. Not only on women’s reproductive rights, protected since 1973 under Roe v. Wade, but privileges and liberties Americans have long enjoyed, and encompassed in […]

A Bear’s Conversation
By Montecito Journal   |   June 14, 2022

Carlos, The Bear, was grieving the loss of his sister, Carla Bear, as he lumbered up the animal trail that runs from East Valley Road to Summerland, when he ran into Connie, The Cougar.  “Hey there Bear, I haven’t seen you for quite a while, Carlos. You look sad. What’s up?” said Connie. Carlos gave […]

Two Years Later: Still an Unfair and Forced Choice Objections to Cannabis Retail at Santa Claus Lane
By Montecito Journal   |   June 7, 2022

Two years ago, on July 28, 2020, The Santa Barbara Independent published my article “An Unfair and Forced Choice: Objections to Cannabis Retail at Santa Claus Lane.” There I explained that the decision to place a cannabis retail outlet in either Summerland or Santa Claus Lane was forced because the county arbitrarily insists there must […]

Cox in Your Mailbox
By Montecito Journal   |   May 31, 2022

As longtime residents of Montecito, we are writing to share our experience and warn the community to watch out for Cox Communications. Sneaky, inept, and arrogant is an understatement. To date, their egregious mishandling of the proposed installation of a state-mandated gas generator on our property has cost us over $20,000 in both legal and […]

More Sunlight for Santa Barbara County Board of Education
By Montecito Journal   |   May 24, 2022

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis introduced the phrase “Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant,” in the early 20th century. He also penned the term in his book, “Other People’s Money.” The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) regulates campaign financing, conflicts of interest, lobbying, and government ethics. Form 700 – Statement of Economic Interest, is one […]

A Vote for Gregg Hart
By Montecito Journal   |   May 17, 2022

Imagine being elected to serve in local government, only to find yourself in a global health emergency. That’s exactly what happened to Gregg Hart, then Chair of the County Board of Supervisors, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020. “I was hoping to use my chairmanship to highlight the need for emergency and disaster […]