Tag archives: epigram

Holding And Folding
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   September 17, 2024

Only recently have I been introduced to a well-established genre of music, and particularly of singing, called “Country.” It seems somehow to be peculiarly American, particularly “Southern,” and “Western,” and apparently derives from what used to be called a “Hillbilly” sound. I would say it’s the opposite of sophisticated, embodying the social outlook of people […]

How to Be A Heathen
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   September 3, 2024

It’s not always easy to believe in a particular religion, even – or especially – one you were brought up in. And, from there, it’s not such a big step to disbelieve all the conventional religions. But that doesn’t mean to turn up your nose at them.  After all, religion serves a major role in […]

On Second Thought
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   August 20, 2024

When people hear that I have created and copyrighted ten thousand epigrams, none of which is longer than seventeen words, they often ask me which was Number One. Of course, I can and do tell them – but when I wrote it, I had no idea of what it was going to be the First […]

Get Over It
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   August 13, 2024

There are many ways of dealing with an obstacle in your path. You can try to get around it, under it, or even through it. If worse comes to worst, you may have to negotiate with it. But the option our culture seems to prefer is to get over it. The trouble, in this welter […]

Holding Together
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   August 6, 2024

Much of our basic technology has to do with attaching things. Of course, in the new world of computers, documents can be made to stay together by a very simple command, like “Attach.” But in the world behind those electronic frontiers, the world of actual Things, it was – and still is – not quite […]

Pardon My Misteak
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   July 23, 2024

Among the many books my wife had brought back from her travels, which I’d never looked at until recently, was one I thought I might enjoy. It is a supposedly amusing collection of signs and other short messages written in English by Japanese people not totally familiar with our language. But I did not find […]

Give Me a Break
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   June 4, 2024

Only once has my heart been broken – but don’t ask me for details – not here, anyway – and in any case, it’s only a metaphor. The human heart is a very strong organ. When it fails, the cause is rarely disappointed love. Ask any cardiologist. Bones are another matter. They can withstand any […]

Mentality And Reality
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   May 14, 2024

Recently a lady whose opinions I respect happened to see one of my epigrams, which says, “Just when I nearly had the answer – I forgot the question.” To me, this was simply a short, funny thought – but to her, it immediately brought to mind some of her “patients” or “clients,” who are afflicted […]

Wishy Washy
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   April 23, 2024

The ancient activity of laundering has woven itself into our culture in many ways. As an example, there was once a popular catchphrase “no tickee, no washee” which derived from the time when most of the laundry businesses in the U.S., were owned and operated by immigrants from China. Originally it meant that, in order […]

Getting Settled
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   April 16, 2024

One piece of advice I’ve given myself (after some unhappy experiences) is this: “Try to avoid situations in which all you have is a good legal case.” Of course, it’s desirable to have the Law on your side – but it’s even better to be able to negotiate an “out of court settlement,” sometimes through […]

School Scars
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   April 9, 2024

From the ages 13 to 18, I went to school in Hendon, a London suburb. It was just after World War II, and in the field behind the school were several surface air-raid shelters; recent wartime relics which were now being used for storage. They were not locked. Once, when during a holiday I had […]

The Merry Middle
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   April 2, 2024

At a certain point between “Some Of” and “Too Much Of,” there comes a magic amount called “Just Enough.” You may remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. If any part of it has stayed in your mind, it’s probably where Goldilocks tastes the Bears’ porridge and finds the Papa Bear’s “too hot” […]

Going Back
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   March 26, 2024

Most of us have probably had the experience of re-visiting a place we once knew well, and finding it changed in such a way as to tell us we don’t belong there anymore. Thomas Wolfe said it in the title of one of his novels – You Can’t Go Home Again. There is a word […]

Radio and Me
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   January 9, 2024

In all the history of Technology, I know of no more exciting story than that of Guglielmo Marconi, the young Italian who discovered how to send messages, not by sight or sound, and not through wires, but through empty air. At first – i.e. from about 1895, and for many years after – the messages […]