Tag archives: digital age

Local Company Stops Hacking, Tracking
By Scott Craig   |   July 30, 2024

The growing concern about personal information and privacy in the digital age has led a company based in Santa Barbara to develop products protecting consumers. MOS Equipment, founded by Westmont alumnus Ryan Judy (’08), manufactures Mission Darkness™ faraday bags, tents, and lockers that block radio waves, including cell phone signals.  “A lot of people don’t […]

Book Offers Respite from ‘Restless Devices’
By Scott Craig   |   November 9, 2021

Personal devices and digital technologies captivate our attention and shape how we live and relate to others. Felicia Wu Song, a cultural sociologist of media and digital technologies at Westmont, explores the soft tyranny of the digital age in a new book, Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age. The forthcoming […]