Tag archives: Democracy

Juneteenth: A Holiday that Matters
By Rinaldo Brutoco   |   June 25, 2020

We are writing this piece on June 19, 2020, and wanted to wish everyone Happy Juneteenth! For many of our readers, this might be the first year you’ve heard about the holiday called Juneteenth, but it’s been celebrated around parts of the United States since 1886, with more and more people celebrating it each year. […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   May 21, 2020

Tribute to a Community treasure, John Venable It’s extremely rare to find a person that gives so much of themselves unselfishly to their community as John Venable. John was always “there” and “ready” for whatever task that lay ahead. He was the first to volunteer to help organize and videograph our first Village 4th Parade […]

Voting to the Moon and Back
By Gwyn Lurie   |   April 9, 2020

Huge thanks from the Montecito Journal to Maureen McDermut & Associates for sponsoring this week’s home delivery! We are doing everything possible to get to you during this difficult moment! In the blink of an eye, the world has changed. On Sunday evening my daughter wanted takeout from a local Mexican restaurant, but my husband […]

A Modest Disagreement
By Montecito Journal   |   January 10, 2019

Referencing Dick Shaikewitz‘s letter to the editor (“Ethics in Journalism,” MJ # 24/51), it is apparent that former Montecito Water District (MWD) Director Shaikewitz and I have a difference of opinion over how to provide water security for the residents of Montecito and Summerland. He believes that, contrary to state law, a written strategic plan […]

To Have or not Have
By Montecito Journal   |   November 15, 2018

As Bob Hazard gazes into his crystal ball (“A Fascinating Future,” Guest Editorial, MJ #24/45), the picture emerges in print. It is a complex vision of the future. It, unfortunately, and realistically harbors a great deal of human wastage. People raised here and with no experience in the Third World may fail to see the […]

New Center Examines U.S. Democracy
By Scott Craig   |   August 23, 2018

Westmont’s new Center for American Democracy will help students understand the unique ideas, ideals, institutions, and practices of democracy in the United States. The center begins launching programs in fall 2018 thanks to a generous gift from an anonymous couple with new ties to the college. “We often read about fledgling democracies where entrenched tyrants […]

Water Security Required
By Montecito Journal   |   July 26, 2018

In his recent letter (“Recycled Water Warning,” MJ #24/28), Dr. Edo McGowan raises important issues associated with water quality. But these issues should not be a “stop sign” for water recycling. Instead, the issues need to be addressed as part of planning for water recycling and other new sources of water for our community. As […]