Tag archives: body
Your body tension is like a barometer that registers levels of comfort. Pressure decreases when you settle in to read a good book or sit around a dinner table with good friends. It increases when you enter a crowded room or sit for a performance review. Worry about a problem, pressure goes up; find a […]
A few years ago, my athletic prowess and inherent grace caused me to tear a few ligaments in my ankle by falling UP the stairs of my home. Anyone can fall down a set of stairs, but you need to be very special to do it in reverse. Following months of resting, healing, wearing a […]
Miracles transcend the boundaries of our ordinary understanding, going beyond mere magic tricks or supernatural occurrences. Instead, they offer profound shifts in perception and experience, unveiling a deeper reality that lies beneath appearances. A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman reveals miracles as natural expressions of love and forgiveness emanating from our connection to a […]
In the realm of psychotherapy, there exists a wide array of approaches aimed at understanding the complexities of the human mind and promoting overall well-being. Among these innovative approaches is Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, which offers a unique perspective on the different parts of ourselves and their impact on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. […]
One piece of medical advice we’re often given is to “listen to your body.” It is also one of the most confusing and misleading. My body does not know who I am or where I live. It was designed by a proverbial “blind watchmaker” named Evolution over the course of untold eons. My body has […]
Do you ever look in the mirror and tear yourself apart? Do you believe that you’d finally be happy if you “could just lose those stubborn fifteen pounds”? If so, you are not alone; most Americans, especially women and girls, report dissatisfaction with their bodies. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), by age […]
Different parts of our bodies have come to be associated with a variety of emotions and characteristics. Love supposedly springs from the heart, integrity is in the backbone, and inquisitiveness in the nose. But, when it comes to truly deep-seated feelings, for some reason, we commonly attribute them to our intestines. And it’s not only […]
Research shows that it takes less than a minute to form an impression about character. Without saying a word, just walking in the room sets the stage. Although this happens at a subliminal level, there are ways to influence the results. All you have to do is ask your aware body to participate. The majority […]
Most people haven’t thought much about the connection between their body’s sensory awareness and extra-sensory perception. They consider ESP extra-ordinary and practiced only by adepts or frauds. But, it’s actually available to anyone who pays attention to their inner senses. Although we’re well acquainted with the externals, sound-sight-taste-touch-smell, the internal senses often get overlooked. In […]
The kids are back in school and there’s a definite chill in the air. Putting on an extra layer reminds me that soon the days will get shorter, and T-shirts will give way to sweaters. As summer segues to winter, it’s a good time to take stock and make some changes. The truth is, I’m […]
Nothing has the ability to transport us to another time and place quite like the resonance of pure sound. From Aboriginal tribes who used the didgeridoo as a sound healing instrument to ancient Tibetan singing bowl ceremonies, for centuries people have used sacred vibrational sounds to quiet the mind and heal the body. Today the use of […]