Tag archives: BLM
“Black History is World History” We read and hear this, but are we listening? Are we showing up to support the Black/African community we share this town with, to learn and heal, to ensure they feel safe and free to be who they are to live and thrive here? To begin our important work in […]
Managing this column, I’ve been put back in contact with quite a few individuals I used to look up to back in my elementary school days. This week we’re hearing from Montecito Union alum and New York University grad, Julia Kupiec. Second grade Stella had myriad compelling reasons to hold Julia in high regard; she […]
Listen, listen, listen. Learn, Learn, Learn. During these past few tumultuous months, that has been my mantra. As a privileged white woman, I feel it is best to stay quiet and listen deeply. I have much to learn from the BLM and BIPOC movements. And yet there are times when darkness surfaces and it feels […]
Santa Barbara City Council looks into forming civilian review board The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer more than two months ago has shaken a nation that is still dealing with the fallout. Thousands of protesters remain in the streets of Portland in a tense standoff with police and federal agents […]
Happy 4th of July Even though COVID means we are unable to celebrate the 4th of July at the traditional firehouse pancake breakfast, we can still stop by this month and donate the price of our meal tickets to show our support for the firefighters and staff who keep our community safe. Our family and […]
Not since the Civil Rights Movement more than 60 years ago, has the country experienced such a revolution of attitudes about race and justice in America. The killing of George Floyd and several other recent deaths of unarmed Black people at the hands of law enforcement has sparked massive outrage across a nation, where millions […]