Tag archives: Amy Alzina

Veteran Teacher Resigns During Tense Cold Spring School Board Meeting
By Nick Schou   |   May 20, 2021

The most recent meeting of the Cold Spring School District’s Governing Board took place at the school campus at 6 pm on May 10 and, despite lingering COVID-19 concerns, drew a standing-room only crowd. Participants included all five board members, school officials including Superintendent and Principal Amy Alzina, Chief Operating Officer Yuri Calderon, and about […]

Montecito Association Meets
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   May 20, 2021

Earlier this week, the Montecito Association Board of Directors was shown preliminary renderings of the design of the widening of the 101 Freeway, which will eventually widen the freeway to three lanes in each direction between Sycamore Creek in the city of Santa Barbara up to Romero Creek in Montecito.  Design engineer Zach Siviglia showed […]

New Lawsuit Alleging Missing Documents is Latest Salvo in Ongoing Cold Spring School Standoff
By Nick Schou   |   May 6, 2021

Previous articles in the Montecito Journal have described what by now has become a no-holds-barred legal conflict between the Cold Spring School and Amanda Rowan, a parent of a child who was suspended from the classroom last year, and who was subsequently named in a restraining order filed on behalf of three employees of the […]

Legal Stakes (and Delays) Mount at Cold Spring School
By Nick Schou   |   April 29, 2021

Last week, the Montecito Journal reported on the latest involving the ongoing conflict between the Cold Spring School District and Amanda Rowan, the parent of a child who was subjected to a one-hour school suspension for posing during a Zoom session as the school’s principal, Dr. Amy Alzina, while using a photograph of Rowan’s dog. […]

Montecito Association Meets
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   April 22, 2021

At this month’s Montecito Association Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, April 13, executive director Sharon Byrne gave an update on several housing bills at the State level which the Association is watching; Byrne wrote about the issue in last week’s Montecito Journal.  The MA has hired former state senator Hannah-Beth Jackson as a legislative […]

Tensions Palpable as Distinct Sides Form in Cold Spring School Kerfuffle
By Nick Schou   |   April 22, 2021

Two weeks ago, the Montecito Journal reported that Cold Spring School (CSS) had attempted to file a restraining order against Amanda Rowan, a parent of a child at the school, on behalf of three employees of the school district. Santa Barbara Superior Court Commissioner Stephen Foley refused to immediately grant the request; however, attorneys for […]

Women Recognized by CSS and MUS
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   April 8, 2021

Montecito school superintendents Dr. Amy Alzina, Superintendent of Cold Spring School District, and Dr. Anthony Ranii, Superintendent of Montecito Union School District, recognize the leadership of three outstanding women leaders in the local community in honor of Women’s History Month, including Montecito Association Executive Director Sharon Byrne. In addition to her work with Montecito Association, […]

Love And Light In The Darkness: The Third Annual 1/9 Commemoration
By Sharon Byrne   |   January 21, 2021

Saturday night, many of us gathered electronically to commemorate the third anniversary of the Debris Flow that claimed 23 of our community members, destroyed hundreds of homes, and shook us to our core.  It’s a day we’ll never forget.  As with all major disasters, the entire community experienced a collective trauma: shock, loss, grief, and […]

Montecito Association Meets
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   December 24, 2020

Last week, the Montecito Association Board of Directors held its monthly board meeting via Zoom.  During Community Reports, Montecito Union School and Cold Spring School superintendents Anthony Ranii and Amy Alzina reported that in-person learning continues to go well, despite increased COVID-19 cases in Santa Barbara County and beyond. Both schools have increased staff testing, […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   November 5, 2020

Put Our Children First Our family moved into the Cold Spring School District on the eve of the Thomas Fire. We chose the district because we had first-hand experience with Dr. Amy Alzina’s leadership at Adams Elementary School in the Santa Barbara Unified School District. Her student-centered focus and educational vision is the perfect recipe […]

Shouldn’t We Try to Do Better?
By Gwyn Lurie   |   November 5, 2020

My friend’s mother used to say: “Just because you’re the loudest, doesn’t mean you’re right.” From time to time I invoke this during vociferous dinner table debates amongst members of my family. But in a world where facts go unchecked on social media platforms, where vocal minorities can represent anything as truth, it can be […]

The Facts About Measure L2020
By Amy Alzina   |   October 29, 2020

For those of you who don’t know me, I am the Superintendent and Principal of the Cold Spring School District. I am a resident and member of the Cold Spring School Community. As of last year, I was also a parent at Cold Spring School. In all of these capacities, I have dedicated myself to […]

Controversy Erupts Over Cold Spring School District’s Measure L
By Nick Schou   |   October 22, 2020

There’s a long history in Montecito of well-intentioned yet pricey local school bond measures that have failed to win at the ballot box. In 2012, Montecito Union School unsuccessfully sought to raise $27 million for various campus improvements, an effort that collapsed under the weight of criticism by property tax paying opponents who viewed it […]

Knowledge is Good
By Katie Cusimano   |   October 21, 2020

In the 1950s, Harold Hill sold the kids of River City a band program. In the 2020 revival, he’s selling a bond program. Last week, while checking the Nextdoor website/app to learn which neighborhood cat was missing this week, I stumbled across some residents passionately debating Bond L2020 – Cold Spring School District Bond Measure. […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   October 21, 2020

Full STEAM Ahead There has been much discussion about how the upcoming Cold Spring School bond measure will impact the members of the school community, but it is worth pausing to consider how this measure will impact the current and future students. Cold Spring School has a strong culture of providing students with an enriching […]

Latest from Montecito Association
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   September 17, 2020

At a monthly board meeting last week, the Montecito Association Board of Directors heard from Brett Balint, CEO of Onward & Upward, who presented a very conceptual idea of modifying airspace over Santa Barbara and Montecito. Balint, who was in attendance on the Zoom meeting with Jasenka Rakas, Ph.D., from the University of California at […]

Hoping to be Back in Class
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   September 3, 2020

As local students settle into virtual or distance learning, school administrators and teachers are working hard to reopen campuses, working within the guidelines set forth by the State of California and the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department. Last Friday, August 28, both Cold Spring School and Montecito Union School superintendents submitted applications for a […]

In-Person Instruction Updates
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   August 20, 2020

This week, school started for our two public elementary schools, via distance or virtual learning due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. On Tuesday, public health officer Dr. Henning Ansorg told the Board of Supervisors that the county’s number of COVID-19 cases is below certain thresholds, and the County is now drafting guidance and forms for […]

Amy Alzina, Superintendent and Principal, Cold Spring School
By Sigrid Toye   |   August 20, 2020

As my fingers tap the keyboard I’m reminded of an observation about coping in the world of the new normal: “Somehow it feels like we’re building the airplane while it’s in the air.” How true that is, not only now but possibly for the foreseeable future. Santa Barbara’s Fiesta parade, as an example, reimagined and […]

Montecito Association Meets
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   August 13, 2020

At this month’s Montecito Association board meeting, Montecito Union School and Cold Spring School superintendents reported that school will begin next week, on a virtual platform. Dr. Anthony Ranii from MUS reported that enrollment is up to 376 students, and the school is in process of distributing computers to each student. Administrators are also preparing […]