A familiar scene will soon be on full display at the Crane Country Day School campus. This coming Sunday, October 28, golden hay bales will dot the athletic fields, students in burlap sacks will bob and hobble toward a finish line, and the heady smell of barbecue will waft through the autumn air. Welcome to […]
The Crane students who filled Cate Hall on May 7, had waited a long time to hear some news – good news, they hoped – about their recent Respond-A-Thon benefit efforts. More than a month ago, these same students had asked friends, relatives, and strangers to sponsor them in Crane’s school-wide jog-a-thon (officially, Crane’s Respond-A-Thon […]
March 23 was the last day of school before students at Crane Country Day School were set to head off for spring break, yet they had one important assignment they wanted to complete. It didn’t involve homework. It didn’t require writing a paper or even reading a book, but it did mean they had to […]