Author spotlight: Deann Zampelli

Trained at Duke Integrative Medicine, Deann Zampelli owns Montecito Coaching & Nutrition and has a broad range of clients working on everything from nutrition to improving their marathon pace. She also has a Masters in Clinical Psychology and has been a resident of Montecito since 2006.

Wellness Loud: Could this be the future of podcasts?
By Deann Zampelli   |   August 27, 2024

Earlier this week I sat down with Drake Peterson, co-founder of Wellness Loud, the first wellness media and podcast network of its kind. Many here in town might know Drake from his Isla Vista formed band, Iration, but lately his focus has been on spreading the word of health, one podcast at a time. Incorrectly […]

Insomnia: Is It Keeping You up at Night?
By Deann Zampelli   |   August 13, 2024

The first rays of dawn can be the most depressing sight in the world for an insomniac, as it means any hope of a good night’s sleep is officially gone. As someone who has often struggled with insomnia for the better part of a decade, I know only too well the frustration; the tossing and […]

A Reason, A Season or A Lifetime: How We Define Friendship
By Deann Zampelli   |   July 30, 2024

I recently had an email exchange with a man who was interested in renting our vacation home for a stay with his grown sons. His wife had died the week before and as she loved the beach, he felt it would be a wonderful way to honor her. I offered what I hoped were words […]

The Currency of Self-Worth
By Deann Zampelli   |   July 16, 2024

The year I was a therapy intern, I remember feeling a great sense of overall well-being. I knew I was being a good mom to my young children, and a loving and present partner to my husband. I was in graduate school to expand my mind, and I was being of service to low-income seniors […]

The Anxiety of Accomplishment
By Deann Zampelli   |   July 2, 2024

My 16-year-old son recently came home from school, freaking out that he might get a B in an AP class. Historically, this has not been his M.O., but at the beginning of his sophomore year it started to dawn on him that it was time to get to work. He was hearing and feeling the […]

When Your Parents Die: Becoming an Adult Orphan
By Deann Zampelli   |   June 18, 2024

Shortly after I got married, my 64-year-old mother lost her battle with breast cancer. Seven years later my father joined her. The loss isn’t any less painful just because you are a grown-up. I was 39 and an orphan.  It sounds strange to say it that way, but that was how it felt. “Untethered,” was […]

Five Things I Wish I Knew Before I Was 40: Words of Wisdom I Would Tell my Younger Self
By Deann Zampelli   |   June 4, 2024

I have never been a big fan of regret, all at once feeling and knowing its futility. However, if I could go back and meet my younger self, say in my 20s or 30s, I would tell that stonewashed-jeans-wearing girl the following: 1. Stop worrying about what other people think. They aren’t thinking about you […]

The New Health Spa: This Isn’t Your Mother’s Spa Day
By Deann Zampelli   |   May 28, 2024

I met a woman a few weeks ago who doesn’t like to get massages. I felt like I needed an interpreter. What could she possibly mean by speaking this heresy? I have heard of people who weren’t into it, but I assumed that like “uptight yoga instructors,” and mean Trader Joe’s employees they were mythological […]

Inflammation: The Silent Killer
By Deann Zampelli   |   April 30, 2024

A few years ago, my athletic prowess and inherent grace caused me to tear a few ligaments in my ankle by falling UP the stairs of my home. Anyone can fall down a set of stairs, but you need to be very special to do it in reverse. Following months of resting, healing, wearing a […]

Longevity: Why are we all so focused on living longer instead of living better?
By Deann Zampelli   |   April 16, 2024

I admit it. I am an obit reader. I look at the photo first to see if I know them and then almost reflexively at their age. 89? Not bad. 76? Too early. 56. Damn. Too close to home. Of course, I then have to know how they died and if the cause of death isn’t […]

CBD: What is it and why its use is skyrocketing in the wellness community?
By Deann Zampelli   |   March 26, 2024

Cannabidiol. CBD. Don’t get too excited. This is the non-psychotropic part of either the marijuana or the hemp plant. According to the CDC, “Hemp is defined as any part of the cannabis sativa plant with no more than 0.3% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).” Which is otherwise known as the “stoney part.” However, use caution when buying […]

Medical Self-Advocacy: Why it Is More Important Than Ever
By Deann Zampelli   |   March 12, 2024

A few months ago, I had a diagnostic test for some G.I. issues. Just to clarify, that was not referencing a broken romance with a soldier on leave, but gastrointestinal issues. A little less sexy.  I was introduced to my doctor about ten minutes before the procedure. As I always have a million questions, I […]

Transitions: The Language of Letting Go
By Deann Zampelli   |   February 27, 2024

As Winter gives way to Spring, I find myself pondering life’s various transitions. Never more so than this week, while in Mammoth with my teenagers for our annual pilgrimage to the snow.  For the first time, my 13-year-old daughter left our rented condo on her own to meet a friend on the mountain. Happy, confident, […]

Healthy Aging: What is it and what does it mean to you?
By Deann Zampelli   |   February 13, 2024

When my daughter was in kindergarten, she came home distraught because her teacher wanted all the students to share what they wanted to be when they grew up. She looked up at me with tear-filled eyes and said, “Mommy, I am only 5. How am I supposed to know that?” Exactly. At 5, or 55 […]

Ozempic: Is it the next Fen-Phen?
By Deann Zampelli   |   January 30, 2024

In the 1990s, a wonder drug took the step aerobic, Atkins-dieting, slip dress wearing population by storm. Fenfluramine/phentermine, the pharmaceutical treatment known as Fen-Phen, appeared to be the panacea that cellulite battlers worldwide had been searching for. Effects included loss of appetite, feel good hormones surging and fat melting off at a staggering rate. It […]

The Whine Club
By Deann Zampelli   |   February 25, 2021

I was going to be the “Cool Mom.” The “Let’s Play Hooky and Eat Ice Cream For Dinner Mom.” Or at least that was the plan. The cruel reality came crashing down during the COVID pandemic when, against my will, I blurted out to my children the words feared by parents and kids alike: “Because […]