Lotusland Forever Capital Campaign Updates

By Joanne A Calitri   |   October 8, 2024
Connie Flowers Pearcy, David Jones, and Elizabeth Anderson (photo by Joanne A Calitri)

Lotusland Executive Director Rebecca Anderson with her Board of Trustees and team held a meeting at Ganna Walska Lotusland on Monday, September 30, to provide updates on their capital campaign titled “The Lotusland Forever Campaign.” Attendees included Elizabeth Anderson of Whittier Trust, and patrons of the organization.

Anderson opened the program by introducing Board of Trustees President David M. Jones,architect and board member Anthony Grumbine, Treasurer Stephen P. Schaible, board member and Lotusland Forever Campaign Chair Connie Flowers Pearcy,as well as board members Daniel Bifano, Rachael Douglas, and Susan Read Cronin. She acknowledged her staff: Director of Operations Adam Flint, Director of Finance Fiona Brennan, Director of Gardens and Facilities Tyler Diehl, Director of Conservation and Curator of the Living Collections Paul Mills, Director of Development Patricia Sadeghian, and Director of Visitor Services and Public Programs Lisa Stone.

Rachael Douglas, Stephen P. Schaible, and Rebecca Anderson (photo by Joanne A Calitri)

Anderson reinforced the need for endowment funding due to their Conditional Use Permit of 20,000 visitors and students per year, limiting income from visitor resources. She explained, “We have an operational deficit at $1 million per year, need $20 million to break even and to grow the endowment. The Lotusland Forever Campaign is a $30 million goal, with $15 million for capital improvements and projects, and $15 million in gifts for endowment. I am bowled over with the support in funding from the community. From January 2021 to June 2024, we have raised $15,230,031 million. Our Master Plan includes a Water Resources Project to catch and reuse the runoff of water Lotusland experiences with rainfall. We are working with the Fire Department and Montecito Water District on it. Also, on the plan is to relocate the George Washington Smith Greenhouse and restore it for visitors, to use solar power, install electric car charging stations, work on seed preservation and storage, develop our nursery to protect and conserve the gardens, and offer educational programs on our various environmental projects for a sustainable garden and
water strategies.”

Flint updated on the new restroom facilities which are being presented to the Montecito Planning Commission on Thursday, October 3, along with their Conditional Use Permit.

The keynote of his presentation was the Water Strategy Plan, which outlines the capture, reuse and storage of the rainfall and runoff Lotusland experiences and will save 40% on the use of public water annually. After permitting, the project will begin April 2025. 

Grumbine talked about the historic buildings on the property, referencing a book he wrote based on original blueprints and photographs he researched with UCSB. He quipped, “Everyone comes here for the gardens, I joined the Board for the buildings by architects George Washington Smith and Reginald Davis Johnson.” 

Jones, who started on the board in 2017, discussed the need of funding to restore the property to what it once was, including a fund for employee housing to retain staff, saying, “Leave it better than you found it.”

Following the formal program, guests toured the garden and talked over the plans with the staff and board.

411: www.lotusland.org


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