Carpinteria Garden Park Accepting Applications for Food Garden Plots

By Montecito Journal   |   September 10, 2024

There are one hundred raised garden beds at 4855 5th St. in Carpinteria that are now available to grow your own food. The Garden Beds are also available at 27-inch heights for people with limited mobility. The plot rental is for Carpinteria residents aged 18 and older, one per family. The rental includes access to a bed, water, watering supplies, and a green waste compost system. The Garden Park also provides continuing education on issues related to organic gardening, healthy eating, natural history, and sustainability to the general public.

The Garden Park is managed by Wendy Robins, garden coordinator for the City of Carpinteria, who assigns the plots. Robins is a longtime Santa Barbara resident who most recently worked fostering a love of gardening in young people with Explore Ecology.

Application forms and payment of fees are required.



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