Miramar Recognition

By Montecito Journal   |   August 13, 2024

I feel compelled to recognize the Miramar for hosting a terrific community barbecue this past weekend. I know many of us in the neighborhood appreciated the warm hospitality, the live music on the beach and delicious food and drinks. It made for one of the best afternoons this summer.

Beyond this event, I’m glad to have the Miramar close by as my family loves to come have cocktails on the deck or drink hot chocolate at Christmas time with the snow and everything else the hotel puts on during the wintertime. The Miramar has a beautiful enduring history here in Montecito and with my family. I feel that the new owners have not only done a very tasteful job at renovating it but also made us feel like we’re actually staying at the Miramar as year-round guests. Hence, I am a supporter of their plans to add some more neighborhood friendly shops, and I am so glad to see the Miramar stepping up for its workers and our community to provide some affordable housing. I encourage any concerned neighbors to learn more about this plan as I believe it will enhance our very
special neighborhood. 

Rob Hale

What Progressive Means

Excellent that Lanny Sherwin proudly proclaims status as Left and Progressive, partially for believing in such basic liberties as abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, protection of civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and women’s rights… all the same things in this modern liberal society that I as an Arch Conservative am for. Praise the protection of every citizen’s individual rights under our Constitution. As an addition, I might suggest that the advancements in human progress around the world come about mostly by the free-market capitalist system protected by strong business ethics. Even Communist China in the 1980s created a dozen capitalistic zones and lo and behold suddenly there were several million middle class Chinese. It’s really free market individuals and businesses that are increasingly “progressive” by offering workers pension benefits, insurance benefits, medical insurance benefits, paid vacations, etc. Our majestic Montecito is what it is today through the settling of successful entrepreneurs of all types. So, we all want inclusion and diversity, but some of us want it based on Merit, not as a gift. That’s the American Dream. Let’s preserve it. 

Roger Colley, Montecito

Support for Housing and Shops at the Miramar

I admit I never gave much thought to creating housing at the Miramar – but now that the proposal is on the table it makes all the sense in the world. It helps Montecito get closer to meeting our housing requirements, while also giving local workers a home for themselves and their families closer to work in this extraordinarily costly community. And a few local shops and market-rate apartments will help make the whole thing financially sustainable for the long-term, without costing taxpayers a dime. We’ve personally had a great experience since The Miramar opened in 2019, and I’m heartened to see the Caruso team working hand-in-hand with our community to deliver a project we know will be first class.

Diana Starr Langley

History or Spin?

In reading Lanny Sherwin’s criticism of Jeffery Harding’s recent article, I was struck by the factual errors in his letter.

Without delving into all of the errors, the most glaring is when he wrote, “… I, too, believe in social liberties that Progressives have fought for. Things like the abolition of slavery, …, the protection of civil rights, …”  

If Mr. Sherwin were to study American history, he would learn that the Progressives, the Democrat Party, actually fought for slavery and against the protection of civil rights.  The South was solidly Democrat, initiated the Civil War in an attempt to preserve slavery and, for almost a century after the Civil War, continued to undermine civil rights. Following the Civil War, the Democrat Party was even the origin of the Ku Klux Klan, which certainly did not protect civil rights. The Republican Party was founded as a coalition of anti-slavery parties and Lincoln was the first Republican President elected.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a Democrat by the way, once said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” Perhaps Mr. Sherwin could learn from that Progressive.


Art Thomas
Santa Barbara

Editor’s Note: Words change meaning over time.

Thanks to Jeffrey

Thank you Jeffrey [Harding] for sharing your independent thoughts in “It’s Kamala.” I applaud you for speaking up and pointing out actual facts about Kamala’s persona. I agree completely the criticism of Harris’ policies will be more effective than hurling insults. It is good to hear a strong conservative opinion in the Montecito Journal. I hope to read more from you.

Cheryl Ellis

Support for the Miramar

I want to share my thoughts on the proposed Miramar expansion. 

The Rosewood Miramar has been a wonderful addition to Montecito. The staff are warm and welcoming, the hotel and beach are stunning, and there always seems to be an event or celebration to enjoy. I’ve been truly impressed by the robust, and incredibly thoughtful, outreach effort within the community about their plans to add affordable employee housing and resort retail. They have been listening to the community every step of the way and I could not support them more.

The Miramar is a wonderful addition to our community, and we are extremely lucky to have them.

Yours sincerely,

Alice Hampton
Founder & CEO, ACP Management Group LLC

Consider the Options

Thank you for publishing letters from Lanny Sherwin and Barry Cordon commenting on the misleading smear job by Jeffrey Harding in his “It’s Kamala!” column in the MJ.

I’m surprised Harding’s mean-spirited Trumpster remarks and characterizations passed MJ muster.

I’d merely ask Mr. Harding to consider the lying, narcissistic convicted felon alternative.

Frank DiMarco


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