The Company

The Montecito Journal Media Group is a multi-platform news and information company serving the interests of people near and far who love Montecito and believe in the importance of community.

The Mission:

To build community through inspired content.

The Philosophy and the Vision

Our belief in strong local journalism is at the core of why we exist.

There has never been a greater need for strong, credible local journalism or community. We provide multiple platforms for local news, ideas, artistic and intellectual endeavor, and bring it to life through events and community engagement. 

The Montecito Journal was established in 1995 by local resident James Buckley. The Montecito Journal Media group is building on this foundation by taking The Montecito Journal to the next level in content and reach — through high quality print, digital and events

  • To bring people physically and virtually, over the free exchange of ideas.
  • To find things that connect us in order to dig beneath difference. 
  • To provide a platform that serves the community 24/7/365, while building a larger, more engaged “virtual” community of people near and far who love Montecito 

What We Value

Truth: strong local journalism.

Inspiration: artistic and intellectual exploration

AuthenticityContent that matters. 

Life-long learningpanels, speakers, podcasts, community book club… 

Creativityfiction, non-fiction, photography 

Humor: We need to laugh! We need satire, smart cartoons, joke of the week. 

Philanthropy and social impactExploring how the world benefits from the good work being done by the causes supported by Montecito and Santa Barbara.

Environment: Doing our part, through sophisticated reporting and other content to inform and move the needle on protecting and saving our planet.

The free exchange of ideasThere are many sides to the issues and our community is living proof. We create a safe space for all perspectives. Because we never know from where the best ideas come.
