Drought Continues

By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   March 29, 2018

While last week’s rains brought more than four inches of rain to Montecito, a Stage 3 drought continues, and the County is helping residents conserve and use water more efficiently. Last week, the Santa Barbara County Water Agency produced the Greywater Handbook specifically for county residents. 

The 62-page handbook highlights the importance that greywater systems can play in conservation, while supporting a framework for healthy landscapes, healthy soil, a more sustainable water supply, climate safety, and community resiliency. Public Works Deputy director Tom Fayram said, “The Water Agency has been pursuing additional opportunities for outreach and education on ways to conserve water. We hope county residents use information in the Greywater Handbook to not only conserve water, but to also make their landscapes healthier.”

The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors recognized and approved the SB County Greywater Handbook on December 12, 2017. Residents can find the handbook on the County’s regional water efficiency program website www.WaterWiseSB.org, where it is available to download free of charge. 


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