SB Botanic Garden Launches Tipton Trail

On Friday, November 8, I’m just off the phone with the Santa Barbara’s Botanic Garden about their new panoramic view Tipton Trail, to be officially launched for public use on November 17 in collaboration with National Take a Hike Day. In addition, it will be a free admission day at the SB Botanic Garden, but do make reservations.
The trail is affectionately named after the J. E. and Lillian Tipton Foundation, which was run by a former Garden trustee, Nancy Byrne, who passed away in 2012. The trail, built by the Garden and the SAGE Trail Alliance, was funded largely by the Santa Barbara Foundation through their Conservation, Environment and Public Trails Grant.
What to expect during your 1.3-mile hike are panoramic views of Mission Canyon, downtown Santa Barbara, and the Channel Islands, the garden’s native plant restorations, and a remote weather station maintained by the garden. The highest elevation point is 873 feet, the trail’s average grade 12.5%.
Keith Nevison, Director of Horticulture and Operations, explains in his press release, “It’s an awesome spot to go birding and explore the seasonal creek, but be prepared for a workout that will reward you with some of the best views of the Channel Islands the Garden has to offer. There are also wonderful, large specimen toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia), laurel sumac (Malosma laurina), and coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), as well as abundant patches of foothill needlegrass (Stipa lepida).”
It’s a great time to get in some exercise, connect with nature, and breathe before the holidaze rush food and beverages. Additional trails to explore and support are our Montecito Trails Foundation trails, and the Los Padres Trails.
Check websites for updates and what is open.