Miramar Madness: More Lame Duck Gamesmanship

By Jeff Giordano   |   October 1, 2024

On the eve of Supervisor Elect Roy Lee’s term, it’s positively mind-blowing to see how fast our County apparatus and its various apparatchiks can push various and controversial First District projects forward. Allow me to explain:

Rules and process matter because without them Special Interests can – with the help of favoring Supes and the staff they direct – “game” the system and prevail over legitimate community concerns. Last week, I wrote about the accelerated Cannabis Ordinance controversy, and this week I learned that similar gamesmanship was taking place with respect to the Miramar Project.

In 1998, Montecito came within 100 votes of becoming its own city. One of the few shining beacons that ultimately flowed from the Home Rule battle – one that gave Montecito at least a modicum of local control – was our own Planning Commission (MPC). 

Well, apparently, the MPC was not moving quickly enough for our newly efficient, need-for-speed district. Indeed, as the MPC tried to accommodate all interested parties, including All Saints that formally requested a November meeting date, the “powers that be” decided to PULL the project, placing it on the County’s Planning Commission agenda on October 9. Remember, this is a hugely complex and impactful development that the MPC has been earnestly vetting for years. Now the County will jump in just 18 days after Planning and Development’s (P&D) notification. Huh? The Supervisors can reverse this decision but that would likely require a motion by Supervisor Williams at their October 8 Board Meeting. Don’t hold your breath!

P&D’s justification was the unprecedented idea that because the project includes affordable housing it is more properly a County issue. This project has existed for two years, did P&D just learn about the units? I suppose if Costco proposes an Upper Village location with “below market rate” apartments, we’ll be looking for the County to make the decision. Silly and Montecito-dangerous! 

Other than the fact that my wife loves to shop, I have absolutely no dog in the Miramar hunt. But process, transparency, community involvement, and local control matter. It’s the reason why I raged against the idea that the community would have just five business days to respond to P&D’s industry-favoring Cannabis suggestions after they had 10 weeks to prepare them.

Accelerating the Miramar Project and Cannabis reform before Supervisor Williams leaves the Board is “pattern” not “coincidence.” With just five more 2024 Supervisor meetings remaining, I’m interested to see how our other Supervisors will react to these hot button issues taking priority just moments before our newly elected D1 Supervisor takes office. 

I guess I’m a quaint traditionalist that believes “elections matter.” I sincerely hope that Mr. Lee makes his voice heard and that at least three other Supervisors agree.


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