Reclaiming Our Power: A Feminist Manifesto for the 2024 Election

By Delaney Smith   |   August 20, 2024

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Santa Barbara. My fiancée and I were strolling down the street, hand in hand, on our way to pick up Mexican food. We were in high spirits, enjoying our day off, when two UCSB students approached us with an unusual request. They were hosting a podcast on modern dating and asked if we’d like to be guests. Eager to embrace new experiences, we agreed, unaware of the firestorm we were walking into.

As the cameras started rolling, it became painfully clear that this was no casual chat about dating. We had unwittingly stepped into a right-wing extremist podcast. The hosts, along with their substantial online following, harbored archaic views that women are too emotional to vote or hold positions of power. One host, a father of five daughters, openly expressed that his own children were not “logical-minded” enough to participate in democracy.

Sitting there, listening to these men pontificate about repealing the 19th Amendment, something in me snapped. When I attempted to discuss Kamala Harris’s policies, I was cut off with a crude remark about her alleged sexual history. It was in that moment that the fighter within me, dormant for years, reignited. This op-ed is my declaration: I refuse to be silenced any longer.

Kamala Harris represents the kind of leadership we need – a leader who understands that true feminism is about dismantling all forms of oppression. As Harris herself said, “Our unity is our strength, and our diversity is our power. We reject the myth of ‘us’ vs. ‘them.’ We are in this together.” This quote encapsulates the inclusive, powerful future we must strive for.

In Santa Barbara, where I’ve lived for a decade, I’ve faced innumerable challenges as a woman. I’ve had to pretend to be straight to protect my job and hide my fiancée’s identity, referring to her as my “roommate.” The constant need to cater to men for professional advancement is exhausting. But Harris’s advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights, exemplified by her support for the Equality Act, gives me hope that one day we won’t have to hide who we are to succeed.

During the podcast, the hosts bombarded me with questions about my “hotness scale” and “body count” instead of my views on feminist policies. It was clear they were more interested in demeaning me than engaging in meaningful discourse. This is a microcosm of a larger issue: women are often reduced to their appearances or personal histories rather than being valued for their contributions and intellect.

Harris’s policies on economic equity are vital in addressing these systemic issues. By advocating for closing the gender pay gap and supporting women-owned businesses, she is actively working to create a level playing field. Her commitment to reproductive rights ensures that women have control over their bodies, which is fundamental to achieving true equality.

Harris’s leadership is not just groundbreaking; it’s a beacon of hope, especially as a biracial woman. Her presence underscores the vital truth that feminism and anti-racism are inseparable – misogyny and racism are deeply intertwined. We can’t dismantle the entrenched sexism in our country without also addressing the pervasive racism that goes hand-in-hand with it. We saw this in Trump’s recent remarks attacking Harris’s racial identity as a Black woman. 

I am committed to fighting for my Black and Brown sisters. In spaces where they are disrespected and ignored, I will use my privilege to stand by them and amplify their voices. This movement must be inclusive, addressing the complex layers of oppression that many women face.

As a sexual abuse survivor, I’ve endured profound trauma and struggled to rebuild my life. Harris’s focus on combating sexual violence and supporting survivors resonates deeply with me. Her efforts to implement comprehensive policies that address the root causes of gender-based violence are essential steps towards creating a safer society for all women.

One of the most jarring moments on that podcast was when I mentioned my support for Harris and was immediately interrupted with the accusation that she “slept her way to the top.” This baseless, misogynistic rhetoric is designed to undermine and discredit powerful women. It’s a tactic used to perpetuate the status quo and keep women out of positions of power. But Harris’s resilience in the face of such attacks is inspiring. She stands tall, unyielding in her pursuit of justice and equality.

In my 10 years in Santa Barbara, I’ve seen how deeply ingrained sexism and homophobia can be. I’ve had to fight tooth and nail for every opportunity, often adopting a “man mindset” to be taken seriously by the men who hold power. But I’m done hiding and pretending. As Harris champions the rights of marginalized communities, I’m reminded that our diversity is our greatest strength.

Harris’s campaign policies reflect her commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable society. Her plans to expand voting rights, improve healthcare access, and promote economic equity are crucial steps towards dismantling systemic barriers. By addressing these issues head-on, she is paving the way for a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

As I sat in on that podcast, surrounded by people who viewed me as less than human, I realized that I could no longer stay silent. I feel as though I’ve gone into hiding in recent years since leaving my journalism job. I wanted to live in my own little world, I suppose, free from the constant fight for respect and equal opportunities. But this experience showed me that sticking my head in the sand doesn’t actually change the fact that there is an overwhelmingly large portion of voters who are fighting every day to keep the status quo. 

The misinformation and bigotry being spread are not just harmful – they are dangerous. This experience is a stark reminder that we must fight against the tide of ignorance and hatred. We cannot afford to be complacent. I might be tired, but I am a fighter. I refuse to be silenced into submission any longer. 

I want to be an amazing mother with my soon-to-be wife, run a loving home, and see a country where my future children can thrive without facing the same battles I’ve fought. Harris’s vision for America is one where everyone, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation, can achieve their dreams. Her policies on childcare, education, and economic support for families are steps towards making that vision a reality.

This election is a turning point. It’s about choosing a future where women are not reduced to their appearances or sexual histories but valued for their contributions and capabilities. It’s about ensuring that survivors, like me, can speak out without fear of retribution. It’s about electing leaders who understand that feminism and anti-racism are inseparable from the fight for true equality.

So, to the incels, misogynists, and all those who think women are too emotional to lead: watch out. We’re coming for you, and we’re bringing the full force of our lived experiences, our resilience, and our unyielding belief in a better world.

As I prepare to walk down the aisle with my fiancée this summer, I’m more determined than ever to fight for a world where our love and commitment are celebrated, not condemned. Harris’s leadership and policies give me hope that we can build a society where everyone can live authentically and be respected for who they are.

Kamala Harris’s words resonate with me: “Let us not be content to just sit back and watch. Let us speak truth to power and fight for the America we believe in.” This is our call to action. We must stand up, speak out, and fight for a future where all voices are heard and valued.

In conclusion, let this op-ed serve as my battle cry. I will no longer be silenced. I will fight for my rights and the rights of all marginalized people. I will support leaders like Kamala Harris who are committed to building an inclusive, equitable future. And I will do everything in my power to ensure that the voices of the oppressed are heard loud and clear in this election and beyond.

So here’s to reclaiming our power, demanding respect, and fighting for a world where we all can thrive. It’s time to stand up, speak out, and make our voices count.


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