Separating Opinions from Facts

By Montecito Journal   |   August 6, 2024

I just read Jeffrey Harding’s article, “It’s Kamala!” First, a disclaimer: I don’t often read articles by real estate investors or financial bloggers, both of which Mr. Harding is/has been. Too much self-interest and too many opportunities to be swayed by investors/clients’ priorities. But this most recent article, published under the MJ’s misleading heading, “An Independent Mind,” caught my eye. 

Another disclaimer: Mr. Harding dedicates a one-sentence paragraph to say, “Kamala is a leftist Progressive.” I, too, am a leftist Progressive. I, too, believe in social liberties that Progressives have fought for. Things like the abolition of slavery, the enshrinement of women’s suffrage, the protection of civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and women’s rights. 

His entire column is filled with misinformation and, frankly, racist undertones. For example, to say in his first paragraph that Democrats “capitulated” to Harris. Right, like they were forced to donate $100 MILLION to her in the first 24 hours. Paragraph 2: you say 70% of the electorate is conservative. You didn’t actually name the poll you used (does it rhyme with “ox”?), but a Gallup poll reported only 36% consider themselves conservative.

Then, Jeff, you give your racism and misogyny away. You write: “She achieved political prominence due to her gender and race.” You go on to say, “I don’t mean to say that Kamala is incompetent.” Which is another racist trope especially given she was AG of California, a Senator, and a Vice-President! And then you repeat yourself (what, you couldn’t borrow someone’s Thesaurus?): “She took advantage of her gender and race to boost herself into political prominence.”

You criticize her for wanting to achieve universal health care and a Green New Deal-like policy to address climate change. Whoa, so radical!

Finally, you give away your Trumpian scare tactics by writing that we would be heading down “the path to Greek-like bankruptcy” and that “her policies … would lead us to welfare statism and failure.”

If that’s an “Independent Mind,” I’m thinking that a journalistic lobotomy might be in order. I notice that the MJ lists Mr. Harding’s columns online as “Opinion,” but the print version does not. I’d hate to think that the MJ endorsed every one of Mr. Harding’s opinions. Political debate is a cherished and valuable tradition in our democracy. Let’s be sure we clearly separate opinion from fact.

Sincerely, Lanny Sherwin
Montecito, Left and Progressive

Message from the Editor

Regarding the letter in last week’s issue titled, “The Saga of Casa Dorinda, Retirement Home from Hell, continues…,” while we do allow readers to express their opinions within the letters section of the paper, the letter named a specific individual and should have been retracted. We apologize for this error and will be more vigilant in the future. 

Zach Rosen

Content with Casa

It is with considerable dismay that I have read a published letter from one of over 300 residents here at Casa Dorinda. It is the third negative complaint letter from this writer and she does NOT represent the many content residents here, including me.

My REAL issue is WHY you chose to publish a letter that labels a hard-working employee as a “witch” and a “B” with a capital B!? To me this is defamation of character with no proof other than a lavender bath was interrupted by surprise. I strongly believe that naming ONE individual goes well over the line.

I hope that you can consider editing in the future. Yes, freedom of speech, but harming someone is not OK!

Julia Collins

A Message from Casa’s Happy Residents

We find it hard to believe that Montecito Journal would print the letter from Renée Templeraud, a resident here who should be seeking counseling rather than writing letters. Are you reduced to a gossip magazine like National Enquirer? The maximum capacity at Casa is 360 residents. I would guess that 359 of us love it here and are getting terrific care. Yes, they check on you if you are ill or recently in hospital or the medical center. They also come to your apartment if you haven’t opened your door by 10 am. This is how they have found people who fall and can’t reach a phone or even a person who died in their sleep recently. A service we appreciate greatly given the age of residents here.

I would think that naming a person – a hardworking, trained medical employee, by the way – and calling them a witch in print would set you up for a law suit.

I know administration does not want to get in a public printed discussion about someone who is unhappy. The procedure is to meet with administration and state your problem and work together for resolution. I know in her case that she has been offered her money returned if she wishes to depart.

Everyone I talked with today in the dining room is up in arms and furious with the printing of such a letter. Irresponsible was a word used. 

We thought you ran a higher-class operation.

Linda & Peter Beuret
7 yr (happy) residents

Positive Economic Policies

In his opinion article, Mr. Harding’s final comment is “instead of hurling insults about candidate Harris, it would be more effective to criticize her policies which would lead us to welfare statism and failure.” She and President Biden, in less than four years, have recovered the national economy that is now the envy of the world. From the Trump economic TRAINWRECK and a fat cat giveaway tax policy that added billions to the national deficit and never created any infrastructure policy that was so badly needed, we now have huge new business investment, many new countrywide infrastructure projects under way and more of them planned, 15 million new jobs, industrial unions making a comeback, the strongest currency in the world, and a strong stock market that is making investors very happy. Inflation after the COVID disaster was and has been a WORLD WIDE problem but the Biden/Harris team has worked hard to manage a downward inflationary trend in our country. The current Democratic administration has been the mature, responsible, and I dare say progressive force that has led us out of the economic wilderness and to a bright future. I believe the VP Kamala Harris will continue with these positive economic policies as our next President. 

Barry Gordon – General Contracting

Re: July 11-18 Editorial 

This editorial needs to be read by every college leadership team, and its core tenets need to be enforced. Protest yes – hate, intimidation, violence, and preventing access to anyone based on ethnicity or political or religious beliefs is unacceptable. Your [Gwyn Lurie] editorial motivates me to take peaceful action. Something I/we should do for any group facing this kind of large-scale discrimination, on or off campus. It will continue to get worse, not better until we all stand up and peacefully insist that our local and national leaders and educational institutions do as you suggest – live up to our laws and ideals.

Art Levitt


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