Lonely Hearts Club

By Richard Mineards   |   August 6, 2024
Maco Llambias, Santi Wulff, Hope Arellano, Jeff Scheraga, and Mia Bray (photo by Priscilla)
The Energetic Planning Team: Paige Marshall, Maggie Hine, Jeff Scheraga, Hayley Heatley Bray, Mindy Denson, and Rhys Williams in center (photo by Priscilla)

After more than 50 years as a journalist and TV commentator, I took on one of my most unusual assignments when the Polo Training Center hosted its 10th anniversary Denim and Diamonds benefit dinner, raising more than $50,000 from the 120 guests in a giant fieldside marquee at the Carpinteria-based polo club.

Club president Rhys Williams asked me to conduct bids for one of the live auction items donated by Cybèle Jordan of the Eldorado Polo Club, near Palm Springs. The item in question? Horse sperm – courtesy of her stallion Sergeant Pepper, named after The Beatles 1967 eighth album.

“It’s certainly one of the more unusual auction items we’ve had and I think you’ll have fun with it,” Rhys assured me.

The precious commodity is sold in “straws,” which are injected into the mare. “With the name Pepper, I presume it will be a hot encounter,” I quipped, as a buyer snapped up the auction item for $700.

Talk about liquid assets!

The ubiquitous Mindy Denson chaired the boffo bash, with supporters including polo club president banker Henry Walker, Pat and Ursula Nesbitt, Paige Beard, Grant Palmer, Ben Soleimani, Carter Thicke, Hope Arellano, Jeff Hall, Andrew and Amza Bossom with sons Bayne and Piers, Kevin Mokarow, and Jeff and Naima Scheraga.

Victoria Redman, Grant Palmer, Rhys Williams, and Mindy and Chris Denson (photo by Priscilla)

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