Viva La pre-Fiesta

By Richard Mineards   |   July 30, 2024
Hostess Teresa Kuskey and La Boheme celebrating Viva La Fiesta and the dance group’s 10th anniversary (photo by Veronica Slavin)

Society gadabout Rick Oshay and Teresa Kuskey, bubbly founder of the La Boheme Dance Company, hosted their fifth annual Viva La Fiesta at Casa de la Guerra, with more than 200 guests.

2020 Jr. Spirit of Fiesta Alexandra Nocker performing (photo by Gilbert Cruz)

The fab fête featured Teresa’s colorful dancers who led our Eden by the Beach’s summer solstice parade, and festive dancers including 2020 Jr. Spirit of Fiesta Alexandra Nocker, with ubiquitous KEYT-TV reporter John Palminteri as emcee.

Former Spirit Jack Harwood, the first male chosen in fiesta’s 100-year history, joined the Flamenco Santa Barbara Group, Zermeño Dance Academy, Garcia Dance Studio, and dashing singer-flamenco dancer Timo Nuñez, on the entertainment list with ubiquitous DJ Darla Bea and Mezcal Martini providing the evening’s music.

Supporters dancing the night away included fun-loving Franciscan friar Larry Gosselin, Oscar Gutierrez, Adam McKaig, Robert Adams, Fritz and Gretchen Olenberger, Peter and Kathryn Martin, Lisa Osborn, Mark Whitehurst and Kerry Methner, Judith Smith-Meyer, Richard and Amanda Payatt, Monte Wilson, David Bolton and Gonzalo Sarmiento, and Joan Rutkowski.

Host Rick Oshay with some familiar faces (photo by Priscilla)

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