Our Town’s 22nd Annual Graduation Issue Part 2

Cate School
The Cate School’s 110th graduation – “Go Rams!” – was held on Sunday May 26, at 10 am, outside at the school campus. The ceremony began with the graduates’ processional from the field to their grandstand seating area to “Pomp and Circumstance” performed by the Cate School Orchestra.

Newly appointed Head of School, Alexandra Lockett, welcomed the guests and introduced History, Humanities and English Instructor for the Invocation, Lauren Jared. Jared stated she will be retiring next year, likened it to the graduates leaving the school, talked about comparative religions, belief systems, and asked for a blessing on the graduates, attendees, and community.
Lockett provided her Head of School remarks saying, “It is no exaggeration that I have been anticipating this moment since accepting the position last year. High school graduation is a cultural phenomenon, it marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. We are all here to celebrate you in this time-honored rite of passage.” She read a love story published in the New York Times, followed by her 100-word love story about the senior graduating class.
Annie Chian (’24) gave the Senior Address. She shared entries from her journal upon entering Cate, and the many firsts the grads experienced like Sunset Bench, Joshua Tree hiking, visiting Carpinteria beach and cafés, and ones specific to each graduate. She thanked Cate for being the place where they as teenagers experienced their firsts, and concluded by taking selfies with the attendees.
Next, Lockett presented the annual awards:
Class of 2024 Faculty Award: Frank Griffin, Math Instructor
Class of 2024 Classmate/Jeffrey Sumner Pallette ‘88 Award: Jules Hirsch Wecker
Santa Barbara Scholarship Cup: Annie Chian
Ellis Cup: Abolarin Naomi Oke and Shannon Winifred Murray
Morgan Gwynne Temby ‘69 Award: Caroline R. Batchelder
The Miramar Award: Muhsin Abdul-Hakim
The Brownlee Cup: Mei Gong
The Benjamin D. Williams Inquiry Award: Tonfai Nokhong
Dohrman Pischel 1914 Medal (Bronze): Shawn Cordeiro
Nelson Jones 1948 (Silver): Yeidy Thaily Salmerón
Santa Barbara School Medal (Gold): Noor Harwell
Head of School Award: Andrew Carranza
William Shepard Biddle 1918 Cup: Josie Tove Frazer
The Faculty Address requested by the class of 2024 was by Brooks Hansen, English and Humanities Instructor. He said, “Elders and shamans used words as spells, which is why when we break down a word, we call it spelling. Words create the world, words are magic. The problem is we have competition in AI. What does it mean to be literate in 2024, and what are we prepared to give up? AI is a foil, the metal placed under gems to make them shine more brightly, there for the purpose of serving the jewel. The jewel, the most beautiful thing the Universe ever came up with, is still the individual human being.”
Diplomas were awarded by Lockett and her team, with a statement about each student’s attributes and contributions. Following a collective congratulations of the class by attendees, the grads processed out to a receiving line. The event concluded with a luncheon at the school.
The Cate School 2024 graduates are:

Muhsin Abdul-Hakim, Sophie Alijani, Fernando Baldocchi, Caroline R. Batchelder, Eleni Bhatia, Lain Moran Biles, Felipe Blanco, Ethan Bloom, Pen Brooks, Liam Burdick, Karla Camacho, Tracy Cao, Andrew Carranza, Annie Chian, Claire Blythe Clark, Jessica Mya Cooks, Caroline Grace Coors, Shawn Cordeiro, Melanie Davidson, Frances Davis, Susana Elizabeth Diaz, Regi Flores, Josie Tove Frazer, Robert Gable, Mei Gong, Christian González, George Gordon, William Nghia Hammond, Ada Ives Hansen, Noor Harwell, Tristan Biyu Fox Hui, Kairei Jones, Caroline Elizabeth Keohane, Nathan Keshen, Clyde Kye, Dilan Lee, Julian Lee, Oliver Lee, Ryan Lee, Ziyang Liu, Ingrid Lu, Tyler Martinez, Ember McMullen, Remy Minnis, Chloe Brown Monchamp, Anna Charlotte Morse, Zoe Moss, Shannon Winifred Murray, Yada Nokhong, Abolarin Naomi Oke, Adrian L. Ordoñez, Elliot Murray Osborn, Thomas Jarman Paige, Jasmine Palekar, Riley Pan, Kyle Minsu Park, Christian Preston Rhee, Kendall Grace Rhee, Ben Richmond, Crosby Milligan Rosenthal, Yeidy Thaily Salmerón, Everest Schipper, Kristian Scurtis, Ari Seal, Sahar A. Shariah, Simran Elizabeth Sharma, Oona Olivia Summerford-Ng, Sebastian Sutch, Alyna Takahashi, Cecily Todd, John H. Trimble, Fritz Henry Ruardus Veltman, Christian Lyle Tottenham Walter, Myles Caldwell Warren, Jules Hirsch Wecker, Charlotte Wells, Zachary William White, Burak Yanar, and Angie Zoric.
Our Lady of Mt Carmel School Graduation

Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC) 2024 Eighth Grade Graduation – “Go Lancers!” – was held on Friday, May 31, at 1:30 pm at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church.
The graduates processed in wearing traditional cap and gown in the school colors of blue and white, adorned with flower leis, and gold or red cords according to their scholastic achievement.
The ceremony began with a mass, led by Pastor Fr. Lawrence Seyer with the students reading various passages. The music portion of the mass was led by music teacher Bridgette Snyder on acoustic guitar and vocals.
Following the mass, the graduation ceremony began with the blessing of the graduates’ handmade autobiography books, which they presented to their families with a long stem rose.
OLMC Principal Tracie Simolon, presented the annual awards as follows:
Reading Challenge of 40 books read this year: Charles Lovette and Thomas Groeninger
Good Citizen: Karly Foster and Haven Gritt
U.S. President’s Academic Award: Ethan Almgren, Josue Morales, Owen Regan, Karly Foster, Haven Gritt, Thomas Groeninger, Charles Lovette, and Annet Perez Juarez
Spelling Bee and placed third in SB County: Thomas Groeninger
Lancer of the Year: Levi DeVreese
Spirit Award: Charles Lovette
Faculty Award: Thomas Groeninger

Parents were recognized for their support of the students. The faculty acknowledged each student’s attributes and contributions to the class. Simolon conferred the diplomas, presented by 8th grade teacher Mrs. Lauren Bergesen to the students.
The Student Address was given by Charles Lovette. He thanked the teachers, friends and families, and concluded with, “Here is a quote from Charles Lovette! We are moments away from graduating and changing the world, congratulations class of 2024.”
Simolon provided her closing remarks, “This year’s graduating class is spirited and blessed with a variety of gifts and talents. One thing that stands out about this class is the care they have for their younger schoolmates, taking seriously their role as mentor during school family activities and recess times. As they graduate, they take with them knowledge and many memories of their time at Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
“Most importantly, they go forth with their faith foundation, started with their families and built upon here. Beyond their achievements in academics and extracurricular activities, we pray they go forth as responsible citizens who will live out the Gospel values.
“We wish best of luck to our graduates! May they trust in God to guide them in the next stage of their lives. ‘For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.’ – Jeremiah 29:11”
An outside reception followed for graduates and their families and guests.
The OLMC Eighth Grade 2024 graduates are: Ethan Almgren, Adrian Corona-Rosales, Henry Crafton, Levi DeVreese, Karly Foster, Haven Gritt, Thomas Groeninger, Charles Lovette, Josue Morales, Reynaldo Pena, Annet Perez Juarez, Taylor Plant, Hunter Raad, Owen Regan, Zebediah Sage, Jackson Trembly, and Leanna Zermeno.
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