David A Morley: 12/31/1939 – 2/3/2024

The dates above are merely the frame of Dave’s life on earth. It is what he invested in that small dash in-between that has had a lasting impact on the lives of those of us who knew him, and what we will remember about him. This brief recount of his life serves only as a mere outline of his influence, so if you would like to join us to fill in the gaps with stories and memories, we are having a ‘Celebration of Life’ service in Dave’s honor at First Presbyterian Church, Santa Barbara (21 E. Constance Ave) on Sunday, May 26th at 3 pm. There will also be a time afterwards for conversation and coffee (two of Dave’s favorite things).
Dave’s days began when he was born to William and Mary Morley on December 31st, 1939. His sister, Gail, completed their family in 1945. The Morleys lived in Sacramento, California until 1956 when they moved to Tacoma, Washington, where Dave finished his last year in high school. Playing on the high school basketball team sparked a love of the game that lasted his whole life long. After graduating from Clover Park High School, Dave moved to Spokane, Washington where he attended Whitworth College, graduating in 1961. He and Mary Stoddard met during his junior year and married just after he graduated. In the year after graduation, Dave worked as an assistant pro at a local golf course during the summer and as Whitworth’s assistant basketball coach during the winter. His connection with Whitworth continued as he worked as the Director of Student Activities, then an admissions counselor and finally Director of Admissions. Their daughters, Laurel and Lynnette, were born while Dave continued to engage with college students at Whitworth. Involvement with college-aged young people became the theme of his working life.
In 1976, Dave, Mary and their (now) three daughters – Jennifer had joined them a couple of years earlier – moved south to Sacramento when Dave took a job as the Director of Outreach and Retention at CSU Sacramento. During their years in Sacramento, Dave’s life was filled with the fun and escapades of family life: school sports, dances, neighborhood Fourth of July firework parties, Young Life, golfing with friends, tennis with the family, and vacations. It was also a season when Gail, his sister, and her family lived nearby, which added to the richness of family life.
As Lynnette finished up high school in 1982, Laurel settled in at Stanford, and Jennifer was in elementary school, Dave was asked to come and work in Santa Barbara as Westmont College’s Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, later as Dean and as a member of the President’s Staff. His time at Westmont was marked by his ‘personal touch’: thousands of students received handwritten postcards, birthday cards, phone calls, and were welcome any time to his office in Kerrwood Hall. It was during his years there that he became active in the North American Coalition of Christian Admissions Professionals. Dave served for a time as the president of NACCAP and was instrumental in launching a national Christian college fairs circuit that is still thriving today; he was also voted NACCAP Admissions Officer of the Year in 1989. More than anything, Dave’s involvement at the national level was centered on helping to develop the next generation of admissions professionals; many of whom saw him as their mentor, and all considered him a friend. Throughout these ‘Westmont’ years of Dave’s life, he and Mary opened their home to countless people: friends of their daughters (many of whom became “daughters” themselves), friends from church groups, an abundance of overseas visitors, people known well, and people who became well-known. Their door and their hearts were always open – this is a legacy that their children treasure.
In 1999, Dave resigned his position at Westmont, and embarked on a new adventure as an academic counselor in the Extended Opportunity Program Services (EOPS) department at Santa Barbara City College. Dave’s deep love for people shone here as he met with and guided students, helping them to navigate not only academic situations, but a variety of life circumstances, in order to help them build a stronger, better future for themselves. His love for the program and the students reached far beyond his office walls: He was mentor, role-model and father-figure to countless EOPS students. His weekends were often filled with celebrating milestone events in the lives of current and former students: birthday parties and weddings, university graduations, and moving days.
In 2011, he and Karen Hess were married and enjoyed a shared life of gracious hospitality, friendship and loving the people in their lives – near and far. Their dinner table was often encircled by friends and family alike. Their marriage expanded Dave’s family to include Karen’s children: Trevor, Landon, and Kiersten.
Once he retired from full-time work at SBCC in 2010 he continued on as a part-time counselor until 2018. And since for Dave, work was service, and service was work – he continued to serve the Santa Barbara community in a number of ways, including through being a Board Member for the Channel Islands YMCA Youth & Family Services from 2008 to 2020. He served in many key positions such as Board Chair and an inaugural member of the Reaching for Stars fundraising committee. Dave was very committed to the St. George Youth Center in Isla Vista volunteering many hours, including being part of the opening of the permanent location. Dave’s support and guidance on the board helped launch many new initiatives and programs during his board tenure, including the starting of My Home, a housing program for homeless young adults.
While the final few years of Dave’s life were shadowed by Karen’s courageous battle against cancer and his own health challenges, he is remembered by all for his infectious laugh, practical jokes, generous spirit and huge heart. These qualities are deeply appreciated by his friends, colleagues, students – and his family – 6 children and their spouses, 13 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren – and a host of others who call Dave “Dad.” He was simply that kind of man.
In Dave’s honor, and to continue to support the dreams and ambitions of young people whom Dad believed in and spent so many years serving, Santa Barbara City College has established a scholarship fund for EOPS students: the Dave Morley Memorial EOPS Scholarship. If you would like to make a contribution in remembrance of Dave, please send an email to davemorleyscholarship@gmail.com and we will provide further information.