2024’s First Baby Eric Yang!

The Montecito Journal is proud to present the first baby born in our town for 2024!
Congratulations to this new human, Eric Yang, for making his journey on New Year’s Day, and to his parents Alyssa and Seng Yang, of Lompoc.
The Yangs are first-time parents and were happy to share a photo of their newborn with the MJ and our readers!
Eric arrived on our planet at 3:48 am PST, weighing in at 5 pounds and 15 ounces and measuring 19 inches in height.
I asked the Yangs via the Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital team how they are doing, and they replied, “Getting to start the new year with our first baby is such a blessing; we are so excited that Eric gets this unique honor of first baby of the new year.”
The parents are a tad camera shy at this time, and taking a well-deserved rest after a long New Year’s Eve into New Year’s Day birth!
All the best to Eric and his parents. We look forward to his accomplishments to come!
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