Angels Giving Gratitude and Turkey

The Veterans Memorial Building, a tiara’s toss from Stearns Wharf, was absolutely heaving when 600 needy guests converged on the historic locale for the 4th annual Thanksgiving lunch organized by Adam’s Angels, founded by realtor Adam McKaig.

More than 350 pounds of turkey bought at Shalhoob’s, with the PATH Homeless Shelter donating its kitchen to cook them, were devoured along with nearly 100 pumpkin and apple pies donated by community members.
Guitarist Maitland Ward coordinated the musical entertainment including American Idol contestant Jackson Gillies, Lois Mahalia, Bobby Montana, Hector Hurtado, Miriam Dance, George Friedenthal, Randy Tico, Brian Mann, and Ray Pannell.
C.A.R.E.4Paws donated pet sitting services and food for four-legged guests, while Jersey Mike’s, the national sandwich chain, gave gift cards for the 100 volunteers.
Deckers in Goleta donated new hoodies, gloves, hats, and backpacks for the many homeless and needy at the fun repast.
Among the supporters joining in were singer Katy Perry’s father Keith Hudson, fun loving Franciscan friar Larry Gosselin, Peter and Kathryn Martin, Rick Oshay and Teresa Kuskey, uber realtor Dana Hansen, ubiquitous KEYT-TV reporter John Palminteri, UCSB men’s basketball coach Joe Pasternack, and building manager Carmen Munoz.
Not one morsel of food went to waste with surplus supplies being delivered to shut-ins and local parks.
Angels living up to their name. They certainly earned their wings…

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