26 Dec 2023
Family Service Agency
Seniors experiencing depression or related mental health challenges have a new resource to help them retain their independence and improve quality of life thanks to a recently-launched program from Family Service Agency (FSA). PEARLS – an acronym for the Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives – utilizes an evidence-based approach to reduce symptoms of depression […]
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Teeccino: The Premier Coffee Alternative
As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, I find myself seeking out a cup of something warm and tasty. This is the perfect way to shift from busy to quiet; from out in the world to indoor cozy. Whether tucking in with a good book or sharing a warm hearth with friends […]
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Mazatlán, Mexico: Part One Land of the Deer and a Meal of My Dreams
Settled in 1531, historic Mazatlán’s nicknames include “Pacific Pearl” and “Fish Land.” But the beautiful name is actually Nahuatl (an indigenous language still spoken by 1.5 million people today) for “place of the deer.” On our flight’s landing approach to Mazatlán, the plane traveled south of the city before circling back around to land, revealing […]
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Shreve & Co.
Straight from Butterfly Lane, I have a question from a reader about a pair of candlesticks: PJ says he wants to sell the sticks you see in his photo, as they are not his wife’s taste, and have been inherited by him from someone to whom he had little connection. They are of significant weight […]
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Meerkat Memories
A mob of meerkats was on my Southern African menu. Deep in the Kalahari Desert, I scanned that brilliant red earth with my binoculars from dawn until dusk. Finally, on the morning of our third day in Namibia, it was meerkat mania as 20 of them arrived just after breakfast. This was my 16th trip […]
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I’m Dreaming of a White Elephant…
This year, X-mas, formerly known as Twitter-mas, is “almost” failure-proof for me. How is that possible you readers of my Christmases past, want to know? Simple, three wise men (actually, it was my stepdaughter, Christy) proclaimed that the only gift required this year is one white elephant gift! For those of you unfamiliar with the […]
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A Kitchen Clod Takes a Cooking Class in Santa Fe
Chef Johnny Vee stood in his test kitchen, welcoming a dozen students to his “New Mexico Combination Plate” class and trying to explain how the list of dishes we’d be preparing had grown so-o-o long. “I don’t smoke pot,” he said, “but it looks like it – like I’m going, ‘Maybe we should make enchiladas. […]
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Returning with Climate Conference Lessons
Westmont junior Analee Josselyn (’25), a history and economics and business double major, and Conrad Morgan (’23), who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies, are attending the U.N. Climate Conference (COP28) in Dubai. Josselyn and Morgan are there with Christian Climate Observers, a non-denominational Christian presence advocating for God’s creation while training the […]
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Dining Commons Gets a Remodel
Crews have begun a $2 million renovation project to Westmont’s Dining Commons with the majority of the work being funded by Bon Appetit, the college’s food service provider since August 2022. While there is no additional interior square footage, workers are enlarging the outdoor dining patio by incorporating a small section of unused concrete between […]
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Examining Mendelssohn, Protestant Music
For two decades, Siegwart ‘Zig’ Reichwald, Westmont’s Adams professor of music and worship, engrossed himself in the sacred music of German composer and performer Felix Mendelssohn. But when he came to his works written for the Berlin Cathedral in 1843-44, he was struck by how unusual they were compared to the rest of Mendelssohn’s musical […]
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Mexico’s Hidden Wine Treasures
As I reflect on my recent journey through the captivating landscapes of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, a vibrant tapestry of wine, food, and travel experiences weaves itself through my memories. This region, rich in natural beauty, unfolds a compelling invitation to explore at every juncture. Its picturesque beaches tell stories of tranquility and wonder, providing serene […]
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An Evening with Jay Leno
On Thursday, December 14, it was a memorable evening in Montecito. The Rosewood Miramar Beach Hotel turned into a radiant stage, hosting an unforgettable event – An Evening with Jay Leno: A Celebration of the Turner Foundation’s 65 Years of Service. The gala commenced with a welcome and introductions by John Davies, whose words ushered […]
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Water works
I have always been surprised by how many people are willing to pay for bottled water when perfectly drinkable water, certified by local inspectors, is available from their own home faucets (which of course they already pay for as a public utility). Somehow, a very good selling job has been done by the bottled water industry […]
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In Caltrans We (Don’t) Trust
When you wrote the article about Caltrans tearing down the iconic trees in the Montecito median in order to expand the freeway, one of their excuses was that it would allow them to limit tearing up the landscape on the edges of the freeway. I wrote a letter questioning many of the positions Caltrans was […]
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SBC Flood Control District has a Plan
Public safety is a top priority of the Santa Barbara County Flood Control District. Since 1955, the District’s work has helped protect life and property through channel maintenance and capital improvements throughout the county, including work in cities. Flood Control builds major infrastructure and conducts maintenance from the Santa Maria River on the county’s northern […]
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A LOCAL Journey: The Path from Tech Entrepreneur to Restaurateur
“I cooked my way through college. I was the cook in our fraternity for a while because our actual cook quit, along with a couple other guys. So I made meals for 50 guys, six days a week. That teaches you how to cook pretty fast.” Not to worry; “Frat House Epicure” does not define […]
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Casa del Herrero Holiday Soirée with a Capital Announcement
The much looked forward to Casa del Herrero “Home for the Holidays”evening was held at the organization’s rare jewel outdoor area – its Spanish Patio and Blue and White Garden off the formal living room – on Saturday, December 9. The 150 guests were treated to the blissful Spanish guitar of Chris Fossek, while they […]
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Santa Barbara Rescue Mission Women’s Auxiliary Annual Holiday Tea for Bethel House
The Santa Barbara Rescue Mission (SBRM) Women’s Auxiliary (WA) held its annual Bethel House Christmas Tea for its women in recovery program on Wednesday, December 13 at the home of Susan Hughes. Dianne Davis, Hospitality Chair, organized the event, and Kirsten Walters, Membership Chair, organized the activities for the event, including the prayers, singing Christmas […]
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Helena Mason Art Gallery Holiday Party
Natalie Olivas,owner-director of the Helena Mason Art Gallery, held an impromptu holiday party open house on Wednesday, December 13, to promote local event professionals, the gallery as an event space for rent, and the art on the walls by Pedro de la Cruz, Chris Gocong, Bob Hernandez, and Rod Lathim. The placement of the art […]
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The December Astro on Tap by Las Cumbres Observatory
On Thursday, December 14, the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) team held its “Astronomy on Tap” meeting at M. Special on State Street. These events are an all ages and pet friendly info session on current astronomy science and news. The LCO team has raffle tickets that support the event with winners getting the coveted LCO […]
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