Here Come the Holidays

Christmas got off to an early start at the venerable Santa Barbara Club with the launch, for the second year, of its holiday boutique.
The event was founded by general manager Linda Spann with her choosing the 18 vendors showing their wares to members of the club, founded in 1892.
“It’s a great way to shop with a great selection of wares,” says Linda. “They can also drink wine and eat canapés while checking out the merchandise.”
Among the purveyors were Peter Martin, husband of Santa Barbara Symphony head honcho Kathryn, who sold 20 of his children’s books, jewelry from the Diana Paul Studio in Santa Ynez, and local bling king Bob Bryant, floral oil paintings by Wendy Seifried from Malibu, and a selection of honeys from local beekeeper Colin Richardson.
Quite the buzz…

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