Iconic Cypress Tree Comes Down
Earlier this week, an iconic cypress tree in the Highway 101 median just south of the San Ysidro Road exit was removed, in preparation for the expansion of the freeway in both directions. The removal has spurred many comments in online and social media forums, with commenters lamenting the loss of the tree, which many called the symbol of Montecito.
The project team from the Highway 101 project tells us the tree was removed as part of the clearing of the median, along with other landscaping and a large sycamore tree, which is slated to be removed later this week. Back in 2014 when the median widening design was studied as part of the Environmental Impact Review for the project, it was determined that expanding the freeway into the median was the best course of action, versus expanding on the sides of the current freeway, which would have entailed acquiring private property through the use of imminent domain. At the time, several landscape designers and an arborist were brought in to evaluate moving the trees – plural, as at the time there were several cypress trees still standing – but it was determined that the trees were not in optimal health and the chance of survival after replanting elsewhere was not good.
Two of the remaining three cypress trees were lost during heavy storms in early 2017, and more vegetation was lost during the debris flow in January 2018. But still the lone cypress remained, surviving fire, floods, and freeway closures.
“There are trade-offs, as there are in every decision,” said a rep for the project. “In the majority of the corridor we will have more landscaping concentrated on the outer edges of the freeway following the expansion. It will be a better environment for landscaping to thrive. There will be cypress, oaks, sycamore trees, as well as other trees, shrubs, and lower plantings.”
The widening project through Montecito will add a new peak-period High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane in each direction from the Romero Creek Bridge north to Olive Mill Road. There will also be new on- and off-ramps as well as northbound and southbound auxiliary lanes (lanes connecting on-ramps and off-ramps to improve merging) between San Ysidro and Olive Mill roads. New bridges will be built over Romero, San Ysidro, and Oak creeks. Construction is ongoing through 2026, with local parallel projects – the roundabouts at San Ysidro Road and Olive Mill – currently occurring.
For more about the widening, visit www.sbroads.com.