Another Successful Beautification Day!

We had more than 100 volunteers come out to beautify Montecito. The Rosewood Miramar hosted a beautiful breakfast with coffee, teas, pastries, and breakfast burritos and had about 20 to 30 team members join us! Everyone got their safety vests, trash grabbers and trash bags and went out for a few hours to pick up trash all around Montecito, from the trailheads to the beach!

Everyone gathered back in the Upper Village, and Sharon Byrne was presented with the “Citizen of the Year” award. After joining as the executive director in early 2018, she guided this community through the aftermath of the 1/9 debris flow, bringing our community together and then also navigated us through the pandemic with the constant updates and communications to our community. A well-deserved award for her remarkable efforts.
The Montecito Firefighters cooked up the hot dogs, donated by the Montecito Village Grocery – and they also made a big batch of their famous chili. The San Ysidro Ranch provided some tasty pasta salads, and Violette Bake Shop donated yummy cupcakes.
The theme of Beautification Day this year was “It Takes a Village” – and it truly does. Our community comes together every year for this event, and this year was no exception. From the Westmont student volunteers, the Montecito Water District, the Friends of the Montecito Library, the Santa Barbara County Search and Rescue, and many more, it was a fabulous event!
Mark your calendar for next year’s Beautification Day – it’s always the first Saturday after Halloween!

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