Halloween à La Boheme

Social gadabout Rick Oshay and his galpal Teresa Kuskey put the “fun” into Funk Zone when they threw a spooktacular Halloween bash with the gloriously camp and colorful La Boheme Dancers at the home of the Topa Topa Brewing Company and the Fox Wine Company.
More than 170 guests, most of them creatively garbed, turned out as the dancers performed to classics like Michael Jackson’s 1982 hit “Thriller” and 1962’s “Monster Mash” from Bobby “Boris” Pickett and the aptly named Crypt Kickers.
Ubiquitous KEYT-TV reporter John Palminteri emceed the party, with other performers including Maitland Ward, dressed as a dinosaur, and singer Bella Donna.
Guests, noshing on fare from The Nook, owned by Michael and Lisa Amador – lately of Fieldside at the Santa Barbara Polo Club – included Bill and Michele Profant, fun loving Franciscan friar Larry Gosselin – just back from a trip to Assisi, Italy – Chris and Mindy Denson, Joel and Jamie Knee, Ken Pfeiffer and Lisa Osborn, Howard Smith and Tricia Dixon, David Bolton and Gonzalo Sarmiento, Kate Carter, Richard and Amanda Payatt, and James and Erin Graffy de Garcia.
Even my trusty shutterbug Priscilla got into the Halloween spirit with a most bewitching outfit.
“Broom with a view,” I observed…

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