Living Legends at the Granada

The capacious stage of the venerable Granada Theatre, which hosts six resident companies, was socially gridlocked with more than 200 guests for the 7th annual Legends gala, appropriately enough emceed by the ubiquitous Andrew Firestone, whose parents Brooks and Kate Firestone were being lauded.
The recipients also included the historic Ensemble Theatre Company (ETC), the first non-resident company to receive the honor, based at the 300-seat New Vic Theatre, which just celebrated its 10th anniversary after a $12.6 million renovation, and a good friend, comedienne, and author Fannie Flagg, 78, a resident at Birnam Wood.
Fannie, who introduced comedy legend Carol Burnett in 2019 when she was dubbed a Legend, was a semi-regular panelist on the popular TV show Match Game between 1973 and 1982, and wrote the novel Fried Green Tomatoes. She was nominated for a screenplay Oscar in 1991 when it was turned into a most enjoyable movie.
She was introduced by her good friend Susan Miles Gulbransen.
Brooks, 84, the grandson of the founder of the Firestone Tire Company, was a member of the California State Assembly for two terms between 1994 and 1998 and sits on the Granada’s board.
He and Kate, a former dancer with Britain’s Royal Ballet, are both members of the Santa Barbara Choral Society, and have been involved with philanthropic matters in our rarefied enclave for decades, including Direct Relief, the Santa Barbara Food Bank, and Hospice Care.

As a surprise, the Choral Society singers under veteran conductor JoAnne Wasserman sang a rousing version of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” from the main balcony, while Andrew’s brother-in-law, David Walker, who flew in from London for the occasion, presented the award.
After a speech from longtime ETC supporter Derek Westen, new president Robert Turbin accepted the award and Jonathan McEuen entertained with songs from the Johnny Cash musical Ring of Fire.
All the recipients have illuminated or advanced arts in a significant way.
Among the heavenly horde attending the boffo bash, co-chaired by Anne Smith Towbes and Merryl Snow Zegar, were Roger and Sarah Chrisman, Dan and Meg Burnham, Palmer and Susan Jackson, Wayne and Sharol Siemens, Mike and Amy Mayfield, David and Sharon Bradford, Jamie and Marcia Constance, Peter and Linda Beuret, Richard and Annette Caleel, Kostis Protopapas, Gretchen Lieff, Bob and Val Montgomery, Allen and Anne Sides, Janet Garufis, George and Laurie Leis, Henry and Rita Hortenstine, Robert Weinman, Nir and Gaja Kabaretti, Sybil Rosen, Rodney Gustafson, Denise Grimm, Deborah Bertling, Allan Glaser, Todd and Allyson Aldrich, David and Anne Gersh, Jonathan Fox, Joan Rutkowski, Barry and Jelinda DeVorzon, James Garcia and Erin Graffy de Garcia, Rick Oshay and Teresa Kuskey, and Scott and Edie DeVine.
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