On the Waterfront

Social gadabout Rick Oshay and La Boheme Dancers founder Teresa Kuskey really put the “ship” in sponsorship as the tony twosome hosted a harborside bash for 75 guests on the 100-foot replica of the 1542 Spanish galleon San Salvador near to the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum, which also co-sponsored the visit with Old Spanish Days.
The impressive ship was launched in September 2015 after five years of construction by the Maritime Museum of San Diego, where it is permanently docked.
The original was captained by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo and was the flagship with two other vessels, La Victoria and San Miguel, exploring the West Coast.
Among the guests at the sunset soirée were Joan Rutkowski, Adam McKaig, Peter Hilf, Chris and Mindy Denson, Peter and Kathryn Martin, Donna Reeves, Larry Gosselin, Erin Graffy, Richard Payatt, and Mike Stoker.

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