A Fundraiser with Moxie

Inclement weather and a time change marked The Power of MOXI brunch for 100 guests at the Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation, which has welcomed more than 790,000 visitors since opening in 2017, just a tiara’s toss or two from Stearns Wharf.
Normally the event, which raised more than $40,000 for the institution’s education programs, has been a lunch, but moving it to an earlier hour was considered more convenient for supporters.
And an unusually heavy, not to mention chilly, marine layer meant the brunch, co-chaired by Jamie Nash and Amber Kaplan, was moved at the last minute from the museum’s expansive rooftop to the second floor with president and CEO Robin Gose welcoming guests.
Melissa Wilder, director of academic innovation at the Riviera Ridge School and author of the award-winning film Stay Wild, warned that with “the world’s needs getting wider” schools have to ready children for jobs “not yet created.” But added: “A child’s brain and imagination still matters!”
Other speakers included MOXI Camps and Outreach Manager Damaris Osuna, and museum board member Kelly Almeroth, with guests including Mayor Randy Rowse, the ubiquitous Geoff Green of the SBCC Foundation, Nick Weiser, Jill Levinson, Alixe Mattingly, David and Stefanie Jackson, Jennifer Zacharias, Chris Broderick, Andy and Jill Winchester, and Nanette Nevins.

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