No Fooling at this Spring Sing

Westmont’s longest running on-campus tradition, Spring Sing, was held at the Santa Barbara Bowl on April 1. Students from off campus – and the Ocean View Apartments – were the big winners of the competition. They produced an original skit, “The Day Scott Lost His Mind,” about campus pastor Scott Lisea, deftly incorporating an homage to Stranger Things and the reinvigorated Kate Bush hit, “Running up that Hill (deal with God).” “I may not be a child of the ‘80s, but the costumes, music, and energy made me feel like I traveled back in time to when Scott Lisea roamed the Westmont campus,” said judge Jason Tavarez, Director of Institutional Resilience. “The entire show was stellar, but this skit really stood out from a creativity and entertainment perspective.” Senior Drake Bogataj won for Best Side Act.
Women’s Leadership Luncheon
Westmont will give the inaugural Lady Ridley-Tree Spirit of Santa Barbara Award to David and Anna Grotenhuis at the sixth annual Women’s Leadership Luncheon on April 21 in the Global Leadership Center. The event, featuring Lupita Knittel, president of 7Mindsets, is organized by the Westmont Women’s Leadership Council and chaired by Denice Fellows, former chair of the Westmont Foundation. The council amplifies the work of the foundation by specifically partnering with women who are established in business and industry, providing mentorship and scholarships to our female students. Tickets are available at
Calling All Local Artists
The Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum is accepting submissions for the 2023 Tri-County Juried Exhibition, Mixed Up, through April 13. This year’s juror is Rae Dunn, Bay Area artist, designer, author, and illustrator whose work embraces simplicity and playfulness. She is most recognized for her line of household wares sold throughout the United States. Westmont began hosting local artists in juried exhibitions more than 30 years ago at the Reynolds Gallery.