A Ray of Holiday Cheer

Scientist, inventor, and real estate investor Ray Winn, 88, and his partner of 34 years Peter Kavoian, 66, pulled out all the stops when they hosted their first Christmas bash for 100 guests in five years at their magnificent Birnam Wood home.
Peter used his gleaming red Bentley convertible as Santa’s sleigh with six reindeer at the entrance to their manse with its Gobelins tapestries, Murano glass chandeliers, and a new Bösendorfer grand piano, which even makes Versailles look a tad shabby.
Wallowing in the unadulterated magnificence of the night while noshing on the canapés from Jean-Philippe Sitbon were Peter’s mother Anna, 92, Jamie and Marcia Constance, Joyce Dudley, Mary Dorra, John Saladino, Henry and Rita Hortenstine, Sharol Siemens, Anne Fuchs, Madison Richardson, Richard and Annette Caleel, Frank and Barbara Randall, Alex Nourse, Hiroko Benko, Erin Graffy and James Paul Garcia, David Selberg,and Ricardo Calderon.
Quite the shindig…

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