29 Nov 2022
Workshop Inspires Christians to Climate Action
Westmont is equipping evangelical students from across the nation who care deeply about the environment to lead their communities in answering God’s call to steward creation wisely. The college will be hosting “Faith. Climate. Action: A Workshop on Christian Climate Advocacy,” attracting about 40 students and faculty from the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities […]
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Guiding Low-Income Students to College
Westmont hosted a community event with education and financial representatives exploring the best ways low-income students can fund a college education on November 15. About 100 underprivileged high school students and their families attended “Affording Your Dream College,” which was held in partnership with several county education initiatives. “Education is the most powerful and transformative […]
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Anusikha Halder Trans & Queer Commission at UCSB
Increasingly, the idea of intersectionality is finding its way into our everyday conversations. This is a topic we explored in this column when talking to the Westmont Feminist Society, who hold up a mission to promote diversity and education. This week we’re talking to Anusikha Halder, the head of the Trans & Queer Commission at […]
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Cottage Family Suites Opens
Medical emergencies are not exactly planned, and there can be unexpected costs that come at inopportune times when they do arise. If a family has to stay overnight, this can add even more burden on an already stressful situation. Fortunately Cottage Hospital, in their ongoing effort to provide the best service they can to the […]
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The Alisal – Sure and Steady
Grab your cowboy hat and cowboy boots, throw your kids or grandkids (if it’s a weekend) in the car, or perhaps indulge in a midweek romantic getaway and head on up to historic Alisal Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley for a tootin’ good time. I’ve visited the downhome 10,500-acre Alisal Ranch several times over […]
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We have 8,000 Reasons to Be Grateful in This Week of Giving Thanks
It’s the height of autumn now, with cold nights, falling leaves, pumpkins everywhere, and the most heartwarming of holidays this week. As we look back over this past year, we have a tremendous amount to be grateful for here in Montecito. Yes, the weather and scenery are lovely, and it’s fun to visit the villages […]
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Veterans Day Recap at the Friendship Center
The Friendship Center Montecito held a private Veterans Day celebration to honor its senior members who are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. The event was chaired by Family Services Manager Kim Larsen and Development Director Sophia Davis. Key event sponsor was Montecito Rotary Club President Tony Morris. The program, emceed by Carol Metcalf-Roth, starred […]
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Thanks From the Roots
On behalf of the entire ownership team, thank you to the community for supporting our application for a new cannabis retail dispensary in the Carpinteria Valley. While we recognize we have some additional hurdles to clear, we are 100% confident that Roots Carpinteria will open for business at 3823 Santa Claus Lane in 2023. I […]
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22 Nov 2022
The Hands Helping Homelessness
You’ve read in these pages about Hands Across Montecito, a very successful homeless outreach and placement team of the Montecito Association, made up of Montecitans, Sheriffs, Montecito Fire, Behavioral Wellness, and City Net. Our first client, Andrew Verlikanje, really hates litter, so he picks it up. Andrew impressed Heal the Ocean when he wanted to […]
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Butterfly Ball Deux Benefit for Gwendolyn’s Playground
On a most chilly Saturday, November 12, the second Butterfly Ball fundraiser for Gwendolyn’s Playground took flight, raising spirits and funds at the Dos Pueblos Ranch. This intimate and elegant evening for over 300 attendees heated up with lavish dress and renditions of butterflies paired with fur to fend off the frigid Gaviota coastal temps. […]
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Cold Spring School Latest
Lots of positive news is coming out of Montecito’s Cold Spring Elementary this month, including recognition for being ranked the top-performing district in the State of California in both English Language Arts and Mathematics (nearby Montecito Union School ranked #2). In a recent article on edsource.org, data analysts report that students in California performed significantly […]
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Olive Mill Roundabout Receives Final Approval
On Monday, November 14, the Montecito Board of Architectural Review and City of Santa Barbara Architectural Review Board held a joint hearing to consider the Olive Mill Roundabout for final design approval. The meeting was a follow-up to another joint hearing earlier this month, when several details about the project, including size of the olive […]
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Santa Barbara: Tilting Toward Tyranny
At a time when, nationally, we’re discussing (i.e. screaming at one another) democracy, I thought it appropriate to bring the issue a bit closer to home. You see, part of any great democracy is the idea of Checks and Balances – it’s what separates us from authoritarianism. Unfortunately, in Santa Barbara we tend toward tyranny […]
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A Bear’s Thanksgiving
Carlos, The Bear, stood at the head of the table as Old Fox, Wise Owl, Connie Cougar, and Rocky Racoon, took their seats. Laid out on the table was a Thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat. A Turkey, with all the trimmings and Carlos’ famous grub, berry and acorn mash, stuffing, it was a meal […]
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Exhibition Shares Highlights of Berkus Collection
The Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art shares the deep trove of art collected by the late Barry Berkus, an architect, urban planner, watercolor artist, and author, in A Bold and Unconventional Collector: Highlights from the Barry Berkus Family Collection, which will be on display from November 17 to December 12. The public is invited to […]
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Athletes Advance to National Championships
Four Westmont athletics teams hit the road with hopes of bringing home national championships. No. 15 Westmont women’s soccer (14-0-3) battle No. 22 Lindsey Wilson College (KY) (7-4-4) on Thursday, November 17, at 9:30 am PST at Southeastern University in Florida for the first round of the NAIA National Championship. The winner advances to play […]
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Where On Earth
There’s a saying in the Real Estate business that, in considering the value of a property, only three things really matter: Location, Location, and Location. But, if that means where a place actually is, many factors enter into play – such as what it’s near, and not near. We are often reminded that “it’s a […]
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Trust to Thrive?
Do you want to be rich? To live really well? Then you will want to live in a society with high trust. Our World in Data detailed this in an article “Trust” by Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Max Roser. Much of the data comes from the World Value Survey. The World Value Survey plotted per capita […]
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Mark Okrusko: The Local Surfer Giving People of All Abilities a Floating Hope
In 2010, Mark Okrusko, founder of Airtime Watertime, was surfing at Rincon Beach when he was caught in a rip current. He struggled to swim toward the surface, but his efforts amounted to nothing. Rip currents, “powerful, narrow channels of fast-moving water,” catch tens of thousands of people in the United States every year. According […]
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