Cold Spring School Latest

Lots of positive news is coming out of Montecito’s Cold Spring Elementary this month, including recognition for being ranked the top-performing district in the State of California in both English Language Arts and Mathematics (nearby Montecito Union School ranked #2).
In a recent article on, data analysts report that students in California performed significantly worse on standardized testing (called Smarter Balanced) in 2022 compared to 2018/19, in what is believed to be a direct consequence of the in-home learning model many districts adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fewer than half of all students met the state standard in English Language Arts, which was down 4% from pre-pandemic years. Math scores were down 6.5% from pre-pandemic years. Results from a national standardized test (National Assessment of Educational Progress or NAEP) were also recently released, confirming that the pandemic severely set back student learning both nationally and in California, although Smarter Balanced scores in California were better than the average of nine of 10 other states that released scores.
According to the article, the data is not completely surprising, especially comparing the higher rate of decline in math scores compared to English Language Arts. Historically, research shows that math proficiency is more sensitive to schooling, with parents having an easier time bolstering their kids’ reading than math skills.
Cold Spring Superintendent Dr. Amy Alzina says that her school’s success in the standardized testing – 91.07% of students met or exceeded state standards in English and 92.79% in math – is likely due to the push to reopen the campus in September 2020, when many other schools across the state remained close and adopted in-home learning curriculum. Dr. Alzina said reopening the school after the 1/9 debris flow in 2018 offered stability and refuge to students, and, noting that, she and the School Board decided to open the campus in September 2020, albeit with new protocols and outdoor curriculum in place, despite the risks.
To view the standardized testing scores, visit
Also happening on campus, the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), a Statewide organization that represents public and charter school administrators, has recognized Mrs. Coral Godlis, Executive Assistant to Dr. Alzina, as the Confidential Employee of the Year for the State of California. Dr. Alzina announced the recognition at the Montecito Association Board of Directors meeting last week.
ACSA is the largest umbrella organization for school leaders in the United States, serving more than 17,000 California educators. The Confidential Employee of the Year distinction is awarded each year to a confidential employee that demonstrates exceptional leadership skills that represent the excellence and commitment of California’s educators. Coral was recognized at the Statewide ACSA Leadership Summit in San Diego, California, on November 4. ACSA recognizes school administrators and employees throughout California in 21 subcategories of awards.
“Mrs. Godlis is an exceptionally committed leader who is highly respected amongst her peers and the community,” said Dr. Alzina. Godlis is a proud Cold Spring alum and mother to two girls that attend Cold Spring School. “The Cold Spring School District is honored to have Mrs. Godlis’ relationship-driven approach in the administration of the District and School,” Dr. Alzina said.
Lastly, the school has announced its first-ever Holiday Market, with hopes that it will turn into an annual event. The community is invited to the school on Saturday, December 3 from 9 am to noon to enjoy live holiday music, gourmet lattes, and hot chocolate while perusing crafts and baked goods made and sold by CSS students. “We are really excited about it, and proceeds go directly to specialist programs,” Dr. Alzina said.
The market is a cash-only event. For more information, contact
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