Westmont Fall Choral Festival 

By Steven Libowitz   |   November 1, 2022

High school choirs from across the Southern California region join the Westmont College Choir and Choral Union to share an off-campus concert of vocal music from an array of different musical traditions. The high school choirs, who have received coaching from Westmont’s music faculty, get a chance to shine individually as well as part of the larger ensemble, while the college’s choir will be featuring Japanese composer Koh Matsushita’s “O Lux Beata Trinitas” to set the tone for its season that culminates in the college’s continuing choral director Daniel Gee leading the Westmont Choir on a tour of Japan next May. Show time is 6 pm Friday, October 28, at Hahn Hall at the Music Academy. Free admission. Info at (805) 565-6051 or westmont.edu.

Youth Will Be Served 

The Santa Barbara Symphony’s fall youth performance festival presents all three of its ensembles in concert over the weekend, highlighting the educational and community efforts of the only music education program in the region tied to a professional symphony orchestra. The Camerata (beginning) Ensemble and Philharmonia (intermediate) Orchestra perform Saturday afternoon October 29 at First Presbyterian Church, while the more advanced 50-member strong Santa Barbara Youth Symphony plays the Lobero the next day. Sunday’s first concert of the season was intentionally designed to welcome newcomers as each composition highlights a different section of the orchestra with repertoire that spans from early Baroque period to present day music, the latter represented in the closing selection from living composer Richard Meyer. Meyer was the ensemble’s new conductor-director Daniel Gee’s (yes, it’s Westmont’s choral chair doing double duty) first music teacher in elementary school. Both concerts take place at 3 pm and feature free admission. Visit TheSymphony.org


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