A Picture Perfect Show

Santa Barbara Museum of Art is accentuating the negative with its latest exhibition, “A Time of Gifts: Six Years of Photographs Given to the Collection, 2016-2022.”
The show, which runs through January 15, features more than 80 superb photographs by Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Kwame Brathwaite, Nell Campbell, Awol Erizku, Janna Ireland, Aaron Siskind, and Hiroshi Sugimoto, among many important artists.
It is the first exhibition presented by the Department of Photography and New Media under curator Charles Wylie in the museum’s newly renovated McCormick and Wasserman and Family galleries.
The extensive show celebrates the generosity of numerous museum donors whose gifts of photographs and funds have allowed SBMA to add more than 600 photographs to its collection in the last six years, roughly the era of the museum’s recently completed renovation project.
Among supporters turning out were Carey Appel, Robert Boghosian, George Konstantinow, Kandy Luria-Budgor, Ronnie Mellen, Nicholas and Rosemary Mutton, Kenneth and Shirley Waxman, and Mark Whitehurst and Kerry Methner.

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