13 Sep 2022
Herb Your Enthusiasm
PCPA Theaterfest could hardly have found a more appropriate director than Catalina Maynard to helm Native Gardens, Karen Zacarias’ 90-minute play in which a battle between formerly friendly new neighbors over cultivating gardens in their separate yards echoes the polarization and cultural wars currently characterizing the country. Maynard has previous PCPA experience as an actor […]
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A Cosmic Shift
The concept behind Almost, Maine, written by Tony-nominated actor John Cariani best known for playing forensic expert Julian Beck on Law & Order, is very simple on the surface, according to Stephanie Coltrin, Rubicon Theatre’s Associate Artistic Director, who is helming RTC’s production this month. The play is composed of nine vignettes featuring nine different […]
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Museum Moments
Santa Barbara Museum of Art’s Parallel Stories investigates the concept that while something gets lost in translation, maybe also there’s something to be gained in the process, at least in relation to poetry, serving to build bridges across borders and between cultures via introducing new syntactic strategies, rhythms, and image repertoires. Poet, translator, and literary […]
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Building a Healthier Body Image
Do you ever look in the mirror and tear yourself apart? Do you believe that you’d finally be happy if you “could just lose those stubborn fifteen pounds”? If so, you are not alone; most Americans, especially women and girls, report dissatisfaction with their bodies. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), by age […]
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Music to Our Ears
Supporters of the Santa Barbara Symphony, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary, had to face the music at the historic Lobero Theatre when veteran maestro Nir Kabaretti outlined the season’s nine programs in the next nine months, kicking off with Carmina Burana in collaboration with the State Street Ballet at the Granada in October. Local […]
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Party for Priscilla
Social gridlock reigned at Arnoldi’s, one of our tony town’s oldest eateries, when my trusty shutterbug Priscilla celebrated the 30th anniversary of her half century with a dinner for her many friends hosted by social gadabout Rick Oshay. After eclectic cocktails guests tucked into pasta, steak, and other items from the expansive menu as Priscilla, […]
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Concours D’Elegance Pebble Beach: Car Week on the Monterey Peninsula
The weather couldn’t have been nicer for this year’s event, held on Sunday, August 21: foggy, overcast, and slightly chilly at 65 degrees. The 71st Concours d’Elegance was held – as it almost always is – on the 18th fairway of the famed Pebble Beach golf course, and if the sun had arrived any earlier […]
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Prayer Breakfast
With the pandemic firmly in the rear-view mirror, our Eden by the Beach certainly has a great deal to be grateful for. More than 500 guests descended on the ballroom of the Hilton for the 63rd annual Santa Barbara Community Prayer Breakfast emceed by retiring Unity Shoppe head honcho Tom Reed with the Pledge of […]
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A Game to Remember
The 113-year-old Netjets Pacific Coast Open is considered the biggest polo event on the Left Coast, but this year’s final at the Santa Barbara Polo Club was an absolute cracker with the L.I.N.Y. team, consisting mainly of teenagers, beating the more established Farmers & Merchants Bank, led by two-time PCO winner Dan Walker, 12-11 in […]
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Ron See Earns Top Fellowship in Israel
A Westmont professor has received a prestigious fellowship to serve at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI). The Lady Davis Fellowship Trust selected Ronald See, professor of psychology and neuroscience, as the Marie and Matthew Heller visiting professor in medicine at the Institute of Medical Research. HUJI is the premier academic institution in Israel and […]
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Dallas Willard Book Award Announced
The Martin Institute for Christianity and Culture and the Dallas Willard Research Center (MIDWC) at Westmont have chosen Relational Spirituality: A Psychological-Theological Paradigm for Transformation by Todd W. Hall as the winner of their annual book award. Hall will accept the award in person before speaking in chapel on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at 10:30 […]
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Art, Science, Spirituality Collide in Exhibit
Adam Belt explores the point where art, science, and spirituality converge in an exhibition, “Adam Belt: Wish You Were Here,” September 1 through November 5 at the Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art. Belt, who was born in Seattle and grew up in Albuquerque, began his career as a landscape painter before shifting his interests to […]
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Astronomy on Tap Is On!
Tune in you star trekkers, gazers, and galaxy aficionados, Las Cumbres Observatory’s (LCO) Astronomy on Tap is back on the planet every month in a new location: the outside patio at M Special Taproom on State Street. The new venue allows for the Astro on Tap monthlies to be an all-ages event, while still be […]
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One 805: Feeling Stronger Every Day
The Thomas Fire and debris flows that plagued Montecito and the area in over a month spanning 2017-18 was an unprecedented tragedy that caused great devastation to the community. But out of the ashes and mud rose a brand-new nonprofit called One805, which has not only raised funds to support the First Responders who worked […]
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8 Sep 2022
Parklets Slated to Change on Coast Village Road
After much community debate, including in the pages of Montecito Journal, City Administrator Rebecca Bjork sent a letter to stakeholders late Wednesday discussing the fate of the parklets on Coast Village Road. As of October 28, 2022, the City is requiring new rules for parklets, mainly, that they will be limited to a maximum of two adjacent parking spaces in […]
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6 Sep 2022
Annual Gala Returns to the Granada Stage
The annual Granada Theatre Legends Gala has become one of the most cherished events ever since its debut in 2015, and it’s easy to see why. The evening pays tribute to the trio of pillars that represent foundational aspects of the performing arts in town, an approach that has made the Granada such a smashing […]
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Montesano Market & Deli to Open
In April, Montecito restaurateur Gene Montesano – with the help of general manager Leslee Russell – took over a Coast Village Road staple: Montecito Deli. The new-and-improved “Montesano Deli” has brought fresh changes to the space and the menu, and this weekend, the market next door is set to open. The duo of businesses, Montesano […]
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On the Move
One line I remember from the many years I spent listening to radio comedy was this: “You know I think the world of you . . . And you know what everybody thinks of the world these days.” Be that as it may, we can probably agree that, if anything is certain about what we […]
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Pinnacle Point: We are One
This will be the last Perspectives column you’ll be reading for the time being. Personnel changes at the World Business Academy, and the incredible demands on my time as the Founder and CEO of H2 Clipper, Inc., has made it clear that I need to let go of this weekly column for now. I do […]
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A Porcelain Picture of Time
Montecito artist Joan Rosenberg-Dent was an early participant on the Santa Barbara Studio Artist Tour, but quit after a couple of years due to being the solitary sculpturist on the self-guided driving tour of local studios. It wasn’t that standing out from her peers was a problem, as the porcelain artist has blazed a few […]
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