Rally for Women’s Rights

Planned Parenthood’s Bans Off Our Bodies rally was held in De La Guerra Plaza on Saturday, May 14, in response to the recently leaked draft of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision. Illustrator Karen Folsom and her family were in attendance and she had this to say:
“I am a passionate believer in women’s rights and believe that what’s going on in this country and how we could have allowed the government to reimpose its restrictions on us is beyond comprehension, so I’m doing everything for the cause that I can. I’ve been hired by a few organizations to do some artwork that they’ve used in subsequent marches. They pay me to do various work for the cause, and one of them was the Supreme Court lineup that they wanted me to put into another form for various uses. So I used that; I thought it would be great to use my poster that’s being used elsewhere for this march. And I continue to do work for them, for the cause, for other women’s causes, and other related things.”
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