Election Follow Up: Missing Candidates on the Voter’s Guide
Editor’s Note: In this industry, you’re only as good as your last mistake. And we made one. A big one – in the Voter’s Guide in the previous issue (MJ Issue 19, May 12-19). Somewhere between juggling incoming stories and caffeine stares our collective eyes missed two candidates in the United States Representative, District 24, race: Jeff Frankenfield and Brad Allen. We deeply apologize to both them and the readers for this mistake.
Information on both candidates is below. Jeff Frankenfield reached out to us and we have asked him a couple questions about his campaign that we have included with his Statement of Candidacy below.
Jeff Frankenfield

Occupation: Global Accounts Director in the Telecommunications Sector, Husband, Father, and Coach
For most of my adult life, I have served our country and community that I love in some capacity. Bringing people together and helping them thrive is one of the greatest joys of my life.
I served our country as an active-duty Non-Commissioned Officer in the United States Marine Corps. Building relationships with people from all different backgrounds, it forged the conviction that America’s strength is unmatched when we as diverse, unique individuals come together for a common objective. I will bring this unshakeable mindset with me to Congress.
Since moving to Santa Barbara in 2013, I have served our community in several ways, including volunteering as a Chaplain for the Santa Barbara Police Department, during which time I helped the first responders and those impacted by the Montecito mudslide. This experience transformed me, as my love for the people of this area grew tremendously.
For the past five years I have volunteered my time coaching football at a local high school. I believe there may be no better way to improve our local communities, and our society, than to do everything we can to help our youth become successful adults.
In the private sector, I have had a 20+ year sales and management career in the telecommunications industry, working daily with the world’s largest high-tech companies. I thrive in relationship building, strategic thinking, and effective negotiations, which are all skills desperately needed in Congress right now.
I would be honored to receive your vote. For information regarding my political stances, please visit jefffrankenfield.com.
Q. What are the most important challenges facing CA District 24, Montecito, and the surrounding areas?
A. Water scarcity, mental health/homelessness, and better K-12 education.
What are the possible solutions you pose in your campaign for the issues affecting our district?
Water Scarcity: Most water management authority sits at the state level, but several federal agencies work with the state to help with sustainable water supply, clean and safe drinking water, etc. I will work with these agencies to prioritize finding solutions, including pushing for additional desalinization plants.
Mental Health/Homelessness: Mental health struggles are increasing throughout society. It is a significant problem with our district’s growing homeless population as well. We must overcome the stigma attached to seeking mental health assistance and make resources available. I want to see sufficient mental health programs available, and more facilities built to help those in need.
K-12 Education: Federal education funds should continue to be allocated for high-need students. It should also include options outside the public school system (charter schools, trade schools, homeschooling, etc.) and should be mandated with any federal funds that are received by the state.
Dr. Brad Allen
Occupation: Pediatric Heart Surgeon

Dr.Brad Allen has devoted his life to caring for and improving the lives of sick children. A renowned pediatric heart surgeon, Dr. Allen has worked at UCLA, USC, the University of Illinois, and the University of Texas where he was the Surgical Director at the Children’s Heart Institute in Houston. He has practiced medicine for almost 40 years, and specializes in pediatric cardiac surgery, cardiothoracic vascular surgery, and critical care. Recognized as a prominent medical researcher, Dr. Allen has published almost 100 scientific papers and his research has helped advance medical discovery and innovation. Due to his academic achievements, Dr. Allen was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, won research at UCLA and the University of Illinois, and has been honored with the Board of Trustee’s Academic award from the Chicago Medical School. He has been an invited reviewer to numerous prestigious medical journals, and a member of 15 medical societies. Dr. Allen also served as Chief of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and a professor of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery at the University of Texas Medical School, at Houston. He received the Golden Scalpel Teaching Award at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. Dr. Allen is regularly invited to speak at major medical conferences and events in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Visit drbradallen.com for more information.
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